I once read an article about milestones. It happened to be about when children learn to jump. My son had been trying so I thought I would find out. Everyone who left comments said how early their little ones learned to jump. This infuriated one angry dad who said it wasn’t scientifically possible that everyone’s baby learned to jump so far ahead of the curve. Obviously, I thought, this is not a scientific sample of moms – that is, it is not representative of the population. If your toddler jumps when most other toddlers do or a bit late you probably wouldn’t bother to leave a comment about it.
So I always wonder, since there are no Early Learning reading milestone charts to follow, what would be the average age that kids learn to read if they follow an Early Learning program? Everyone who posts here has really impressive stories. But are they unusual? Maybe other moms aren’t posting because they are still waiting to see results?
I was never a skeptic and I still am not. It just makes sense to me that babies can learn way more than they are given credit for when I look at how they master language better than any adult. My son however, cannot read. I started him as a small infant with flash cards. He didn’t like them so we stopped for awhile. At about a year old I got Little Reader. He liked it but has not seemed to learn anything from it – as far as recognizing words go. He has recognized some words not from Little Reader, but very few. And often a word that he once recognized he won’t recognize it the next time. I don’t think he is hiding his knowledge as he happily volunteers other things he knows, like colors, shapes, etc.
I am not really concerned about it as he seems so far advanced when I see other kids his age. He speaks in long sentences in both English and Spanish. He understands grammar to the point where he generalizes grammar to irregular words. He knows multiple words to describe the same thing, for example he knows little, small, tiny, etc.
He understands math concepts. He has been heard counting up to the teens in both languages and back down again, although he won’t do it when asked. And, one day he had two drinks and wanted another one. I told him no because he already had two. He cried, “Three!!!†I thought okay he knows how to add!
He seems pretty physically advanced too. Yesterday he swam full fledged freestyle strokes. He had been sort of doing it before but one arm really wouldn’t come out of the water. Yesterday I was so amazed he did 5 strokes with both arms fully coming out of the water. He has even done butterfly although his arms don’t really come out much when he does it. I never thought he would be able to do this before he turned 2!
It is so amazing to me all the things he can do. I always think so why can’t he read? I remember reading another mom’s thread who was having a similar issue who joked that she couldn’t go to the pediatrician and ask why her toddler wasn’t reading yet. lol I thought that was hilarious because I would ask that too, but I know the doctor would think I was a complete lunatic!
I know he will learn to read eventually. And I happen to think that as long as I am reading to him and developing his language skills that this is going to be way more important in the long run. Anyway, just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar.