my 20 month old learnig his letter sounds from leap frog -phonics-

I havent been succesful in the whole word method as some of you might know from my post feeling discouraged.
lately i been putting the leap frog phonic dvd , today i notice that he has learn some of the letter sounds . also that he will said the sound before they said it.

eventhough I am not happy that leap frog emphasis the capital letters instant of lower case ,I am thrill that he knows his sounds.
what should I do next?? maybe he is one of those kids that learn phonetically and not the whole word methods.
I am excited again. just need some directions.
please help!!!

Yay! I’m excited for you. There is actually a boy in our town-home complex that “taught himself to read”, and his mom says that they used leap frog. She said that she also had alphabet blocks that they played with as well as reading the Bob books. My kids liked the early readers from Starfall’s store. Sidney Ledson has taught a lot of toddlers to read with phonics as well. Keep us posted!

Have you purchased the Talking Word Factory? If he likes the letter factory, that would be a good next step.

Go get some phonics DVDs from My Montessori House, they do a wonderful job reinforcing how to sound things out and they use lower case letters if i remember correctly. You can also see how he responds to some Hooked on Phonics YouTube clips and make some phonics playlists from assorted youtube videos. Utilize LR phonics lessons. Use reading bear phonics lessons too. When he is ready for bigger words, you can look into Hooked on Phonics Master Reader software. Even if he is not old enough to manipulate the mouse himself, he can watch you play. There are some samples of it below on my YouTube channel.

So if you are lookIng to intensify his phonics instruction, those are the things I would do. If you have LR, keep playing the lessons for vocabulary building and encouraging fluency. Oh, and Your Child Can Read has more of an emphasis on phonics and rhyming words than YBCR, It is very entertaining and introduces some good vocabulary, as well.

Oh and if you go on my YouTube channel and click videos then playlists, there are videos on many different subjects. There is one for phonics/basic letter sounds that may help reinforce what he is learning on leapfrog and give some variety. I find that the more you layer the learning, the faster and deeper it sinks in. So use videos, flashcards, fridge phonics magnets, bathtubs letters, anything you can think of. Good luck and let us know how it goes!