My 2 yr old and word cards

Okay I am having this issue when trying to do flash word cards with my son. He grabs them out of my hand very quickly and turns them around to look at picture.

How can i quickly go through these cards with out him grabing them to see the picture?

Can you sit him in a highchair or something and sit far enough away that he can’t grab them?

Or you could use his interest to foster interest :slight_smile:
“Oh, you’re looking at the picture of the frog. That’s a really nice frog… what sound does the frog make? Well done! Let’s flip it over to look at the word frog.” (then i usually grab the card back and turn it over really fast, picture, word, picture, word etc… while laughing ‘frog’ frog frog…
This way they don’t feel frustrated.

Thanks for the suggestions. I will try both ways.