My 2 year old son is afraid of everything...!! help..!!

My 2 year old son has suddenly developed this fear of all things… He was quite a normal kid,until one month back when we had taken him to a safari ride on the desert… it was quite scary for us adults too,but he remained quiet the whole day…and from that day onwards he is afraid of “big cars,loud noises(includes the food processor or the pressure cooker),hair cut,fun rides on toy cars,potty seat,animals,inhaler(he is an asmatic child)” etc… he doesnt play in the play area like the other children… huh,i am fed up… i sometimes feel that maybe hez using “being afraid” as an excuse from doing things… how do i get over this? is this phase a normal one? any similar experiences anybody…?

I found this in an old Parenting magazine. It’s about a 3 year old who became terrified of the Chuck E. Cheese mouse at her cousin’s party.
At about 2, kids are beginning to develop their imaginations, opening up a whole new world. But fears come with that, because they are still struggling to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Nearly anything an frighten a child at this stage–monsters, animals, loud noises, even the bathtub. Some frights will pass in a few days, while others can persist for a year or more. In the meantime, here’s how to calm your child:
Treat his fear seriously. Let him know it’s okay to be scared. Try saying, “That big mouse showed up and scared you. You didn’t like that.”
Take the lead. Do something that shows he can feel safe taking a chance, like hugging the character yourself.
Build him up. Fear is all about about loss of control, so help him get it back by talking to him about what he can do that will make him feel less frightened.
Practice, practice, practice. Gently persuade him to take tiny steps: Maybe he can just stand near the character and wave. Each step will boost his confidence and make the next step even easier.