My 2 year old might be sounding out words thanks to Reading Bear

This is one of the only places I can share this. I been doing reading bear sporadically with my 2 year until recently since she asks for lessons more often now. She watched meet the phonics before we started but I wasn’t 100% sure if she knew all the sounds yet. My 4 year old recently learned to blend from reading bear but he is still sounding out words. He can do the first 5 presentation and we have been watching the next 5. My 2 year old watches but doesn’t really try to sound things out like ds she just watches and says the word after ds already sounded it out. One day she said ask for ask but I thought it was a fluke. I went back to the first 5 presentations because I feel ds needs more practice on cvc words especially since he has an articulation delay and the other words are hard for him to sound out. I started up the short e presentation and the 2 year old said one of the words. Then it went on to the next word and she did it again. She did it one more time and started looking away and ignoring me then went away to play and came back then I asked her if she knew the next word that was up and she said jet. This is only her second time through it. She isn’t sounding out at all like my older kids she is just saying the word. She has never done any other programs. I don’t know how many words she can do or if it is just flukes but I am pretty excited. I wasn’t expecting it to be so easy because with my older two who I started much later with it wasn’t.

Congratulations that’s wonderful! No, it’s not a fluke. :slight_smile:

It sounds like your two year old is sight reading words rather than sounding them out. Still prety cool! And definately a great spot to brag about it here! :smiley: keep it up!

Congrats you have a little reader on your hands :laugh: She’s definitely absorbing as you teach your older one, I’m pretty certain it’s not a fluke and time should prove that to be true! Well done you :slight_smile:

She has’t done it since so I thought she really didn’t say those words like I thought but today I did a few of the quizzes with her. I did one and she asked to do more. She is pointing to the correct things most of the time. Sometimes she will point to the spot that it is the most often but then I say where is the word and she finds it. She even said a few during the quiz when it shows the word at top and you find the picture. So I think she is learning she just doesn’t like performing I guess.

Yes she is learning. :yes:
It is best to not expect her to perform at all. Performing adds pressure and expectation and reduces the level of fun and play in a task. Focus on IMPUT forget about the output for now.
You are doing great keep it up!