My 18-month-old read his first word aloud!

:smiley: Yes, I am really excited about this…He read the first word “door” which I had posted on the wall among other old words to review…When I happened to go near the wall accidentally, he pointed to it and said “door.” I just cannot describe the joy when I heard him say this…Yesterday, he read “up” and today he read “moon” and “aunty.” Thanks to Glenn Doman and the Brillkids community for making this happen. :biggrin:

Congrats to you. Not a good job but a GREAT job indeed! So how did you manage to do it??? How long have you started Doman Method? Do you have a particular schedule?? I’m gathering all my materials for the Doman Method so we could start our lessons on 1st of April. My baby is almost 11 months old and hoping also by 18 months, he could read too.

This is inspiring me!

Congrats! It’s such a great feeling, isn’t it!?

Thanks paps and Nikki.

Paps…I’ve been doing the Doman method since he was 4-1/2 months old. Switched to LR at 9 months as he didn’t show interest in physical cards. We don’t have a particular schedule, but go by his mood and what he wants at a particular time…Good to know you are getting organized…All the best for for teaching your kid.

A big congratulations Questers! Keep it up. Their knowledge is snow-balling fast. You should be proud!

Great to hear of your little one’s success! Congratulations and looking forward to hear more in the coming months! :slight_smile:

Congratulations, is so nice when we can see the progress…
I remember the first time My girls read the first word, and this is thanks to LR.

Good Job! :yes:

Wow! You must be really happy about it :slight_smile:

This is very inspiring! Should I be combining LR with Glenn doman methods I.e. Using the cards as well? I’ve been doing LR with my baby since he was 9 months old and he has just turned 1years old. He also only likes LR and is able to say some simple words now but not read. I only show LR twice a day but we read about 5-10 mins of books each day. Is this enough?

I think that reading books (by pointing to words as you go along) + LR twice is day is perfect.
You might want to try something I’ve been doing with my daughter, which is to write words on an eraser board. i usually ask her which word she wants me to write. I only do this if she is calm and interested, usually before nap time.

Thank You Vanessa, ZaJa, L and J, Luckymommy1307, and suitsang. Now I think he remembers more than I thought he did. He is able to vocalize more words now. I have taken a video, will post it here soon.

Suitsang, I didn’t use cards with him except for one month when I started Doman method. He was simply not interested in cards. I then switched to LR and we are completely on LR. I just took the cards out simply because I wanted to see if I can use it for reviewing. So cards is not something very necessary, if you have LR. But for a change, you can try them once in a while when your child shows less interest in LR. And reading a book is something great, which I have not been able to do…He only wants to grab it from me and turn it all by himself and play with it…So you are doing a great job already…Just wait for the results, it will happen.

Congrats! Its a joy when you know that your hard work is not useless. Wish u best