MY 13 month old can recognize letters

I am a working mom and have been worried that i was not spending enough “education time” with my son. I get home at about 5pm and his bedtime is about 8pm. I basically have 2 hours to work with him on everything from physical activity to mental activities.(While getting dinner ready)
Yesterday we were going over some cards as soon as i pulled them out he said “a a , ah ah”
then got to the d and he said “d d d da da da” Now i know that babies around that age can only basically say those things so i wanted to make sure. so i went back to the “A” and he did it again. Also with the “D”. Now i don’t feel so guilty anymore :biggrin:

P.S. We do leap frog letter factory to so i am assuming that’s where he got the sounds from. I am so excited :yes:

That’s great! Letter Factory is how my son learned the letters too.

Great . My son was not receptive initially when I showed him during his 12 months old. I show it to him again about 16months and now he can read almost all except a few letters.
LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Alphabet Set is also a great product too.

Letter Factory is great. That said, I realised that my son could not recognise lower-case letters using this DVD. :unsure: I therefore supplemented it with Meet The Letters from Preschool Prep. The advantage of this DVD is that it also teaches lower-case letters, as well as the different versions of lowercase ‘a’. lol

We also have the fridge phonics and the word whammer on our fridge.
It’s funny, after my son learned the uppercase letters, he was able to recognize all the lowercase letters too. I don’t know how he learned them so effortlessly unless he picked up on them by watching his other videos.

That’s great!

Hi, My daughter is 3 and she knows colours, shapes and she counts very well, she knows the alphabet song but cannot recognise all the letters on sight. reading yr post gives me hope so I will try to get the Meet Letters, leapfrog fridge magnetics and the letter factory. Thank you for the heads-up

For recognising and “reading” the alphabet I really recommend any cd/tape/video/dvd you can find cheaply that has the abc song. My 25 month old is basically singing the alphabet, though it’s hard to tell exactly as she refuses to take her dummy out of her mouth while she’s singing it…(very frustrating let me tell you!!) Infact, she sings this combined with twinkle twinkle little star, interchangeably. It wasnt until she was doing that did I realise they are the same tune, almost…!! “ABCD little star, how I wonder LMNOP…” that sort of thing. I think the abc/alphabet songs on Youtube have been very helpful there. She is OBSESSED with the alphabet. She knows many of the letters, though not too sure exactly what as she doesnt like to be tested. But definitely loves “W” for some reason. Has her favourites she will talk about.
Toys that say the alphabet are good, like the fridge phonics and spin spin a letter toy. The more they hear it the earlier they will learn it.
I’m not that thrilled with the leap frog Letter factory/word factory dvds. And the meet the letters I think works more because it plays the abc tune in the background, but I really think the abc song with letters on-screen works better.
As for counting, there are plenty of counting cds/dvs and songs/clips on youtube. That are more inspiring than meet the numbers…If I had to listen to those meet the videos all the time I’d want to tear my hair out they are so boring and repetitive. I have to break those up with fun ones wit catchy tunes etc…
Same for shapes/colours.
And of course concentrating on those particular things with LR and LM to reinforce it all. I find I dont know exactly what she knows, but she will surprise me like when she went through my purse and walked into the room waving a $50, saying “twenty”. (I didnt know she knew 20). So now we play with money!! I’m going to colour photocopy all the notes, and make laminated notes. playing with $100s and $50s etc is a bit scary. Wouldnt want to lose any…