Must take a break from this great place

All, I’ve learned a lot in the last few months I’ve been here. I appreciate the feedback on my thoughts and I was of course very happy to share the presentations I made with you. I’m glad to have all the positive feedback on those, too. But big work responsibilities are looming and frankly I’ve got to focus. So, you won’t be seeing me for a while at least. I’ll miss the interaction with you, but priorities have to be kept in mind…

:ohmy: That’s too bad I have really enjoyed reading your input on topics and I love your presentations!

See ya when you get back…

me too i became addicit to this site i should take a breake

Hope to see you back soon, DadDude! :slight_smile:

You are welcome back anytime. :biggrin:

I know how you feel… I spend way too much time in the site, can help it though lol the information is just too good.

DadDude, let us know when you are back :wink:

We enjoyed having you here, thanks for all the input! :slight_smile:

I’m new here, but I have really enjoyed reading your posts and appreciate the time and analysis you put into everything. I hope it will be a temporary hiatus!

Thanks for all the input you shared on the forum DadDude, I enjoyed reading your posts.
I confess that I too am a new addict to this great site :biggrin:

Dear DadDudde you will be missed !! Wish you the best !!
Hope you can come back soon.
