Music Together product as tool for teaching music

I enjoyed taking my son to several Music Together classes ( and was impressed with their song collections and accompanying song books. Their Parent Guide explains their philosophy (you get it if you sign up for a class but it is also available online). The songs are designed to teach a variety of rhythm and tonal patterns, and the CDs include not only the songs but also “tonal patterns” that are supposed to be repeated after you hear them. The song books provide sheet music for each song and suggestions for the “teacher”, whether that is the parent or a Music Together teacher. Since I have some musical background (played several instruments through college for fun, can read music and carry a tune), I am comfortable doing new song collections on my own at a fraction of the cost of attending the classes.

I’m interested if hearing if anyone else has experience with Music Together or other similar products out there for “do it yourself” music classes.

I’ve never heard of it, but it looks interesting.

I took my older son to two sessions and we enjoyed it. Later stopped it because of money issues.
I am planning to form a play group and do it at home with their cd’s that I got from a garage sale.
Love their songs. Some of them repeat but are still nice. Both my kids enjoy them.
If money was not an issue I would have continued them for the next 3 or 4 years.

I took my daughter to the Music Class before she was walking and now we are going again. She likes it at lot. She gets to socializes with other kids and her teacher.

This is the website:

Last summer i enrolled my son for musictogether and my son just luved it.Still today we all i.e I, my hubby and my son are singing song of musictogether.We welcome our guest my singing it’s welcome song.I am planning this year also to join.And one more thing to add about music together is after joining the classes my son gotta good sense of music he liked music more and he gotta good sense of rythm, instruments…It’s just WONDERFUL


Music Together is a wonderful course, I love it and both my daughters attend the class together. Their music sense if excellent now.

By the way, where can you get the CD & song book from if you do not attend classes? I only see the Family Favourites CD on their website.

Here is the link to the individual song collections and guide books. Have fun!