"Mushy" legs

Just finished the “How to Teach Your Baby to be Physically Supurb” DVD. I didn’t hear about Doman until our baby was about 3.5-4 months, and that was for reading. After watching “Happiest Baby on the Block” by Harvey Karp, we swaddled our baby for sleeping and when he got fussy.

I’m concerned that this delayed his development a bit. He’s only 6 months now, but he won’t “stand” on his legs when supported, he just allows his weight to put him in a squat. He can sit up fairly well, but still tips to one side if something catches his attention.

He used to HATE tummy time, but is getting more used to it. I have him grab my finger while lying on his back and I tug till he rolls over. Then I tickle him and cuddle him while on his belly to give him a positive reason to be on his belly. He’s pretty good at rolling from belly to back, but has only gone back to belly once as far as I can recall.

I know he needs to progress through the stages of creeping and crawling, but will this come as he stays prone more?

Any more drills to help him progress faster?

I don’t have any ideas for you but I do want to encourage you. I didn’t hear about any of the Doman theories until my child was almost a year and a half. I, too, followed Dr.Karp’s suggestion of swaddling and, in truth, loved it. My son loved it and that was what made me happiest. My son didn’t crawl until he was 11 months and then he began to walk at 12.5 months. Up until that point he sat where I put him…happily. So, he didn’t get as much tummy time as Doman suggests, he didn’t crawl as much as right brain educators encourage, yet, he is brilliant. He is a very smart little guy with a great imagination. He has a HUGE vocabulary and often uses it to come up with lyrics for his many songs he creates with his little “guitar” (ukelele). Don’t freak out about your son being behind. To quote my mom “You can only do what you know to be best with what you know at the time.” So, while you’re looking for ideas of learning opportunities you can give your child try not to worry about what you may or may not have missed.

We swaddled our son from the beginning through Harvey Karp’s advice. That helped him sleep better. He didn’t start crawling until 6 months, and started walking at 10 months. He also has a huge vocabulary and loves playing his ukelele and making up songs too :slight_smile: Thought that was an interesting similar story to Kizudo’s :slight_smile: I wouldn’t put any thought toward your child not weight bearing yet. I don’t know how much your child weighs or how tall he is, but I’d imagine, the more he has to “hold up”, the harder it would be?? If Doman is saying that your child should be doing that by now, just remember that every child is different, and every parent’s effort is different.