Multilingual babies

Hi all,

my DD is 5 month old now and will grow up multilingual as our friends & family are spread all over Europe.
She is currently exposed to 3 languages on a daily basis and I’m a bit concerned that it could be quite confusing for her.

Looking for people in a similar situation to share tips and experience.

My husband and myself…we both were brought up in a multilingual home. I was a very early speaker…however, my husband spoke late. The funny thing is his mom never spoke her mother tongue with him but he learnt it just by listening to his mom speak the language with his grandma!!! My mom mentioned that most of the times multilingual babies can mix up words from different languages when they form sentences …but eventually they will sort it out themselves.

With our baby …I am speaking to her in my mother tongue and English. For eg: I will ask her “Would u like to have some milk?” in English and then translate the same thing into my mother tongue. I have been forcing my husband to speak to her in his mother tongue during daddy baby time…but it hardly happens :)…but that’s ok.

This is my go-to source on finding links to information on multilingual babies and toddlers. 'Cause I’m pretty lazy, and don’t always like sifting through Google.

She has links all over the web to some truly valuable places. Enjoy. :).

Hi, just a little comment… I have a two year old son that understands and speaks three languages. He was exposed to them since birth, my husband speaking to him pretty much exclusively Spanish and myself mixing my mother tongue and English, plus he hears us speak English and the environment is Spanish.
They are smart, they will figure it out, dont be afraid of the tongue confusion.

Thanks so much for your replies.

Some of my friend’s kids seem to have real issues with being multilingual up to the point that they refuse to speak any other language than what they speak in daycare or school. So that got me worried a bit.

Knowing that it works quite well for you is encouraging as I started wondering if I was too ambitious trying to raise her multilingual.

On that note, we are just back from a trip to Europe to meet the family & friends and DD was quite excited about meeting everyone and hearing the different languages. We are back home now it she almost seems to be bored… :wink:

I had the same concern when my baby exposed to a multilingual environment. Afraid she will get confused I did not teach her to read in our language until just recently. Turned out she read those words well with correct pronounciation. For example, ‘jam’ in our language is ‘clock’ and the pronounciation is ‘jam’ like in ‘rum’. But she gets it :slight_smile:

Maybe it also depends on the child and specially on the surroundings. If he / she listens to other saying it is not a good idea to be multilingual at that age because of being confuse or anything, the baby or kid will asimilate it inmediantely. If on the other hand he see the parent specially joyfull and really enjoy talking in the other language or making it like a game, i am sure he will take it very good.
I am wainting patiently for my grandson (son’s son) to change his idea about languages. Amazzingly, he is 4 yrs old but since 3 he says he likes ONLY spanish. Just with a Backyardigan book i brought form USA he is willing to listen to english and with a video (SERGE goes to FRANCE) he is willing to what something in French. I am not pushing, just waiting.
On the other hand, my daughters’ daughter she is 6 weeks and already listening to 4 languages: spanish, english, french and some chinese.