Multi-Lingual Children's Books Online > The Rosetta Project, Inc. + ICDL

Dear All,

I found a few great links to read/download multi-lingual books for children: (downloadable) (Read Books > By Country > Choose Continent > Go through book titles)

Happy Reading!
Ayesha :slight_smile:

Are these just e-books or do they have an audio reading content- so they can be automatically “read” in another language…This would be great help for those parents that don’t speak or read other languages and want to teach their children those languages?

Dear Etfremd,

They are e-books at this time. If they get the funding they are looking for, then they will eventually have audio to go along with it. I am fortunate that my husband is fluent in Arabic and can read to my girls as long as I find the books in both languages.

If you have any friends or neighbors that are multi-lingual, ask them to record the reading and play it for your child and just make sure you know where to turn the pages.

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

Thanks! Hope they can convert them! My wife is Chinese and we want to teach our son not only English and Chinese but Spanish and maybe German…Spanish won’t be too hard since we can get the neighbor girls to read to him…German will be more difficult since we will need to get his uncle and aunt to do the recording…It would be so convenient to just be able to buy the e-book as a self reader. Thanks, E