MUHAHA! French Success!

Well, success is in the sense that she’s watching French right now and hasn’t complained or even seemed to notice! Being in Canada, several of our cartoons that we watch sparingly have a French setting as well. The girls are currently watching Franklin, (or Benjamin, en Francais) and haven’t even seemed to notice the difference!

YIPPEE!! I wish our cartoons had a Chinese setting!! Does anyone have common cartoons in Chinese, by any chance?

That’s nice to hear!

How old are your kids? I have a lot of Chinese cartoons - Elmo, Sesame Street, Winnie the Pooh, Nemo, etc. as well as original Chinese animation. I order most of my DVDs from so all of my cartoons have a Chinese setting (in addition to multiple other Asian languages).

Do you mean they’re watching Franklin the cartoon turtle? I’m constantly on the lookout for age-appropriate shows in French and Spanish for my 2-year-old.

Hello aangeles,

My girls are 25 months and almost 11.5 months. Little girl #3 is due in a few weeks.

Yes, Franklin the cartoon turtle! :slight_smile: Because we’re in Canada, he has a French menu setting!

I would LOVE to have some Chinese cartoons for the girls. Not only is it the most spoken language in the world, but Lily was born in China while we were living there and I would love to have her acquire the language. I’ll check out the site you recommended! I would especially love to have Elmo/Sesame St. since Lily (25m) LOVES him!

Perhaps I could find some French or Spanish option DVD’s here for you we can do an exchange?