moving to phrases from couplets

Hello all,
I have just done 40 odd couplets and I am thinking about moving on to phrases. My first target is something like
Mommy is eating.
Can anyone help me with a schedule that can be followed for showing phrases? which would then lead on to sentences?
Also I am using PPT as flashcards. Does anyone have experience in doing this? Also did you display the words one at a time or together in a single line or double lines?

A little help would be very kind…
Many thanks

I never had a specific schedule for showing phrases and in actual fact I moved extremely quickly from single words to full sentences. What I did was show one or two sentences (phrases or couplets) a day and still continue to show at least 5 single words a day too incorporating the new single words as soon as I could into phrases or sentences.

I used Little Reader quite a lot for showing couplets and phrases and PPT can be used similarly. I found a single line of words easier in the beginning moving on to two lines as the sentences got longer (so she learnt left to right before top to bottom) - so I showed all the words together and used the cursor or my finger to underline them as I read them to her. These days I make sentences from the single word cards I have - my husband and I each make up one to two sentences for her each day and stick them on the walls in our house and then change them the next day. I have also started using a chalk board to write words and phrases on as this makes it even easier to change them.

If you want a schedule decide how many phrases you want to show in one day - while I repeated the couplets, I have never repeated a particular sentence as she knows the words already and I thought she’d get bored. If I thought a particular word needed more repetition then I’d put it into an entirely different sentence the next time.

Good luck - its exciting to see them progress.

Thanks Tanikit
That helps a lot…I will try your suggestions and see how it goes…
Thanks again for taking time to reply…

Hi Suteja
I hope this web site may help u to prepare phares.  :)

Kindly visit following link , this will definatly helpful…

please advise your comments.


Thank you guys for the help…
2 very good websites!!

can some one throw some light on couplets or if they can give me example.I will really apperciate it.
Thanks A billion!

Couplets are two word phrases that your child can read - you should use two words that your child already knows to make a new concept.

eg blue ball
red shoes
tall giraffe
big tree

or any of endless other examples. An easy way to start is to teach colour words and then combine them with nouns your child knows as in the first two examples.