To contribute to the discussion, I will relate my own experience.
For myself, I use mostly isochronic tones for well being and for study. I just play youtube isochronic tones in the background of my studies or to affect my mood. I have found great results with varying kinds of tones and note an immediate affect. I will say that I do not always use alpha waves during study. After reading TMT statement above about the coorelation of movement and certain tones, this makes sense to me. I have always been a foot tapper, and I found that gamma tones work best for me during my studies verses alpha tones.
I also put together photoeye play powerpoints for my kids. When I put them together, it takes me a long time to get the timing right (I really never get them right enough), and usually I do this activity right before bed. Every time, I will tell you that when I close my eyes I see with such incredible vividness that it is as if my eyes were open in a lit room when in fact I am in a dark room. This affect is certainly amazing and has made me a believer in the use of photoeye play. I however don’t recommend doing this right before bed as it can be very stimulating for the mind unless of course you would like to experience lucid dreaming.
For my children, I can relate this experience. All of the children but the baby respond very well to gamma tones verses alpha tones especially my oldest boy, and this might be related to their very intense need of physical activity. My oldest boy was walking at seven months and this was before Doman had entered my life. He has always progressed with ease and ahead of others in physical development while other developments especially speech suffered (I swear he spoke Japanese until he was three). The youngest boy of 18 months is the mellowest of all children (boy, am I glad for that break).
As far as photoeye play, I can not determine any affect on my children at this time. My personal results were from staring intensely at the screen. To get my mover and shakers to stare at the screen for photo eye play has been incredible difficult. I have tried all sorts of techniques from changing the songs to placing a dot in the middle, but for now I let a playlist of them play and hope for the best. I guess ten seconds here and there is probably better than nothing. As long as its circles, my mellow 18 month old will stare for some amount of time.
I have not seen negative affects from my 18 month old from watching specific early learning television shows like Sparkabilities, TW, YCCD and such. On the contrary, I have seen amazing results. He began at six months, and he has been going strong ever since. He has an excellent disposition. He is incredible curious and well advanced in almost all areas. He is the calmest of all my children and he has been exposed to more television than all of them. He has a very strong attention span. I haven’t seen anything like it in my other children when they were at that age.
As far as the effects of early learning television shows on the rest of the children, I will say that I do not see any ill effect as long as I keep a routine. If the routine is changed, of course I experience difficult behaviors. I think this is natural with anything. Its takes a while for a child to develop a habit. Certainly a year ago we did not do as much reading as we do today. It was certainly not an easy transition for anyone, but now we read a whole early chapter book, listen to audiobooks and several typical children books a day. They love it now. Its a habit. I now have a three year old bring me a chapter book with few pictures that are all black and white requesting me to read it to her. I never would of thought that possible with my children, but I learned that children’s desires and behavior can be guided and changed through habits. Their desire to read has not lessened from television exposure.
I am trying to understand mid-brain activation more, and I have never really tested my children in any way on their intuition and telepathic abilities which might be manifestations of mid-brain activation. On that note, here is an excellent lecture by well-known Dr. Rupert Sheldrake who has produce some amazing studies on such phenomenons .
Dr. Sheldrake makes some very good points about the taboos placed on the human mind. These taboos seem to limit the progress being made in understanding all the capabilities of the human mind. He makes a point about how western culture has a very hard time accepting telepathic and intuitive abilites but other cultures like India, tribal people, and such accept them as second nature. I strongly believe that for western culture its certain religious taboos and not just academic taboos that make telepathic and intuitive abilities difficult to accept. The idea that these could be skills that could be honed and cultivated would be the greatest to accept due to the nature of religious taboos of magic and witch craft found in western culture (my previous reservations derive from these very taboos).
It is my greatest frustration to be so far away from Japan, and it seems cultural taboos will not allow me to see into Dr. Shichida’s work without learning to speak a new language and move all the way to Japan. The information available in English is incredibly limiting and considering the years of work Dr. Shichida has done you would think there would be some movement of his information to English sources especially considering the rapid and free movement of information through the Internet.
So what is the point of Midbrain activation? For me, its more about honing intuitive and creative abilities. The greatest minds lived and created mostly in their minds. My guess is that they had a strong and unique connection between the right and left brain that allow them to see and create in their minds in a very intense and 3D way. How was this bond created before our current teaching methods and technologies? My guess is that music might be the greatest tool of mankind to unlock its own mind. It is the only easily accessible tool that has been apart of every culture for thousands of years or hundreds of thousands (depending on your own beliefs). This discussion has been enjoyable to watch unfold, and I do hope more people will share their own personal experience with the use of midbrain activation and all related experiences of the right brain.