Moved - Discussing Merits/Legitimacy of Mid-Brain Activation

I love this forum so much. I have the wink program and guess what is going on in the car tomorrow for the drive to school. That’s right wink dvds

TMT if you want a book shipped out of Australia I will happily do it for you or any one else who wants stuff from here.

Yes I think the right brain/mid brain activation is very intriguing. Especially the Hado reading. I would love both my girls to be able to read books just by touching them I think the 1000 of hours saved on academic reading especially for yr 11, 12 and into uni would be just fantastic and leave so much more time for other interests and sport.

You are all such mentors to me.

Does diet also effect Mid-brain activation as well? I noticed that when I eliminate dairy product from my diet I feel less foggy and able to think clearer as well as when I up my water intake? Do you think an excellent diet helps with mid brain activation?


Hmmm might play with the speed settings on LR tomorrow. Haven’t played with those much. If we flash the entire semester that fast someone had better get busy making more semesters for us! We would be through the whole library in a week! Wow!
Diet makes some difference. I find it really difficult to drop into alpha intentionally after eating fish and chips or steak and eggs for dinner. I can’t really say much more but attention to your diet would be a good idea.

Does anyone know what happens long term with mid brain activated kids? I am curious if the skill stays or if its a use it or loose it skill. Even how useful these skills translate into school. I can see an advantage to photographic memory and reading super fast. Just wondering if there are any case studies to rd up on.

If you are looking to make slides flash faster with faster audio, you can create or take a powerpoint with audio file inserted. Then you would save it as a windows media video file or .wmv . Then open it up in Windows media player and you can use the play pack speed settings to let the audio and video play at a faster rate. I figured this out when I was trying to figure out how to upload powerpoints on to youtube. I wanted to take some old photoeyeplay powerpoints and put them on youtube for easy viewing. There is loss of quality when uploaded to youtube, but that was it.

I don’t know if that solves your problem. :unsure:

@Amanda, As far as I understand it, the reason why you read blindfolded is because that way they know you are using your midbrain. You aren’t reading with your eyes, you are interpreting the electric energy of the words or colors with your mid-brain. It’s a different sense, one that most people don’t consciously use every day, but a sense nonetheless. I think they mean the pineal gland, but there have been other parts of the brain mentioned as well so I’m unsure. I do know where it comes from though. It’s the third eye, which is a rich part of many Asian religions. My internet searches for “activate third eye”, “activate mid-brain”, and “activate pineal gland” have all given me similar results.

@Kimba, yes I do think diet has an important role to play. I thought the following video was interesting and relevant, assuming the midbrain and the pineal gland are one and the same. I’m not vouching for anybody’s spiritual beliefs but my own.

Here’s a little insight to what I’m experiencing with this:

I mentioned that I had an experience with midbrain activation when I “saw” the distinct floral pattern of my sheets in the middle of the night. This was a very real experience for me, not a dream. What did it look like? Think of when you look at a bright light and then close your eyes. You see an after image under your eyes. Or when you stare at a blue carrot for 30 seconds and then you can see an orange one. Those two phenomenons are related to sight and vision, but they weren’t that unlike the way my brain interpreted the outline of my sheets. Another experience with it was when I was dozing on the floor while the kids played nearby. My eyes were closed, I felt a change in my consciousness, and I “saw” an outline of my son’s shoulder and his arm moving back and forth with a stick. I jumped up and looked at him to see that he was indeed playing with a stick but no one was in danger. I understand that photo-eye-play is important for developing photographic memory because it helps us become more brain is activated.

Learning the five different brain states was helpful for me:
Beta: Day-to-day brain state, the one you are probably in as you read this.
Alpha: A very relaxed, but still fully awake state
Theta: The state we are in when we dream. Also a state we enter briefly before falling asleep and again just as we wake up.
Delta: Dreamless sleep. Also healing periods, such as when we are in a coma.
Gamma: Hyperactive brain waves during an emergency. When time seems to stand still during a car accident, that person’s brain was in the Gamma state.

I was in the Theta state when I had my experiences, which is partially why I am relating my ability to control my dreams to some of my success with midbrain activation. My friend Ashly said that since she has been trying to do at-home midbrain stuff, she has had a dramatic increase of awareness in her dreams. I wonder if the pineal gland also has something to do with our dreams. It does regulate our sleep patterns. When I was a teenager I made an effort to learn how to remember and control my dreams. I kept a dream journal for a couple of months and would spend up to an hour or two writing them down in the morning. During that period I learned to become aware that I was dreaming some of the time, and while I couldn’t always directly control my dream (aka, I want this dream to become a Star Trek dream), I was able to learn how to fly and to control that ability. To this day I still have dreams where I figure out that I’m dreaming and the rules instantly change. I no longer have to worry about whether my kids are safe or if somebody is hurt because I know it isn’t real, and I can fly. I’m not afraid of falling in my dreams or loosing control. I have mastered it. Oddly enough, I often think that some other character in the dream is also dreaming with me and I think of them as an equal player. Anyway, that’s a tangent, but I bring it up because that happens in the Theta state, and I think that my ability to control my dreams may have also helped me to focus on the mental image of my sheets or my son’s moving arm when I was in the awake Theta state. Every time I have seen an image, I very distinctly felt myself going into that conscious state first. It was almost like flipping a switch. Warning, Theta state is also the state some try to induce through drugs and other practices. Brainwashing often happens in this state too. I am not going to try to bring my kids into this state for learning, I think it could be dangerous. Rather, I am pointing out that my own experiences have happened in what I perceive to be this state. Exercise caution.

As I poured over the WINK program we got yesterday, I saw a striking similarity between what they call “mental imaging” and what happens when you try to control your dreams. You pretend you are in a scenario, you imagine something happening, and you focus on it. I wish I could remember the name of the book I read back in high school, it was very helpful. Naturally, the WINK programs “mental imaging” wasn’t supposed to be a dream exercise, but an exercise for the imagination. I just saw a correlation. I think dreaming is very much a right-brained activity. It takes a lot of creativity to come up with a story complete with pictures, smells, sounds and sensations. But when was the last time you were able to read a book, organize your time, or do math calculations on paper in a dream? Every time I try to read a book in a dream, the words become jumbled, they change, or the index of a book is completely unhelpful- ie instead of being about cars there’s an unalphabetical list of dog breeds. I think our left brain tries to stay away from kookie dreams. Lol. Yes, dreaming is a bit of a tangent, but if we want to better understand and use our right brains, I think attention to dreams is a useful tool. Either that, or I’m just trying to validate all of the effort I put into it back in high school!

To be honest, I had dismissed mid-brain stuff as snake oil. However, this thread has made me rethink that opinion. For example, I believe in intuition to a certain extent and maybe this is where intuition comes from. I never linked the third eye with mid-brain activation, thank you Tamsyn!

I wonder what the link is with different forms of meditation? Do any of you guys meditate? There are many many well-designed studies showing the positive benefits of meditation, particularly with regard to concentration, ability to learn, freedom from distractibility, organisational skills, and, in the more ‘out-there’ studies, intuition. Could this be all along the same lines?

With regard to diet, I definitely feel there is a link. I was vegetarian most of my life, with a pretty healthy diet overall. However, I began eating meat a few years ago, and my overall diet was less healthy, less fruit and veg and less water. I have always dipped in and out of meditation but I have found it much more difficult to do this in recent years and maybe this is due to my diet? I am now meat-free once again and I am working on the sugar addiction (after the Robinson discussion). I feel that tv and screen time also has a negative impact. While I watch very little TV, I did not watch any for around 5 years and I feel it has a negative impact on me. I had been thinking about giving up TV following the comment that ‘TV was invented to make slaves of us all’ (or something like that) - was that you again Tamsyn? Well, as of today, I have given up TV - wish me luck!

So, now that the diet & screen time has been improved somewhat, I am determined to take a fresh look at all this mid-brain, right brain stuff. But, where to start? Ideas and suggestions most welcome.

Regarding diet:

Try a detox program. Especially one oriented with detoxifying the whole body and mostly colon / colon cleanse. But not a half our colon cleanse and the rest of the week have a normal life. More like a detox for a week or so.
You will begin to see some changes in perception too.
Detox of the body brings with itself “detox of emotions” and “detox of thought/ of the mind”. I’ve had a week to experiment on all at once, I’m talking from a experience happened few years ago.

Oxygen supplements can help too. Not sure how much. But the more oxygen you give to the brain the clearer you feel your head.

Some children train their midbrain unconscienciously in childhood. I’ve done that. And still don’t understand what was the point of the mind-games I did with myself in some nights before getting into deep sleep. I’ve tried to repeat those games and almost did it but it’s a frightening experience cause it gets me to a level where my mind, my conscious mind, can’t have almost if any control.


It’s very interesting how you talk about controlling your dreams. I also have that ability. I’ve always loved dreaming, so when I get the chance to interact in my dreams in ways that benefit me, I don’t waste the opportunity. I used to be in martial arts. We would try to meditate to improve our workouts. Often times, I would picture myself doing physical actions perfectly without any struggles. When lifting weights, I would meditate and imagine the muscle group I was working on becoming a huge thundercloud (biceps) or something along those lines. When I was in college, I would listen to classical music before and after studying. Before an exam, I would once again listen to classical music on my way to school. Once the exam started and everyone had started, I would meditate in class for at least 5 minutes (Teachers thought I was a freak or something). Most often I was the curve-setter for the exams! I believe in this stuff, although I didn’t know what the concept of mid-brain activation was.

Nowadays, I’ve been able to pick up the energy from events that haven’t happened yet (visions of airplanes hitting buildings before 9/11, numerous people who died (most recently an Uncle and Hugo Chavez), and getting pulled over by the police for speeding (have the tickets to prove those!). Anyways, I sure wish I could pass some of this along to my children. I sure with I knew how to safely and effectively begin though.

Here’s a page where Dr. Shichida talks about music being the easiest route to right brain activation. (I set my Google Chrome browser to autotranslate to english). This is obviously computer generated, but I don’t mind skimming through these sorts of things. So if you feel like deciphering a butchered version of Dr. Shichida’s knowledge on alpha wave music, here you go, cut and pasted for your convenience.

  1. Music and Brain
  2. There is a separate circuit to human learning
  3. Ear was bad instead of bad brain
  4. 90% of the energy produced in the brain from the sound
  5. Over the sound of 8000Hz the sound of the womb regression
  6. Music recreated the ear
  7. Good quality milk comes out and listened to Mozart’s Symphony

Former President of Association of Japanese music ripening
(late) Makoto Shichida Mr.
(President, Institute of Education, but before cytidine)

  1. Music and right brain is closely related. There is a work that reaches directly into the brain of the human potential deep music, that potential is very easy to activate. So, I am highly effective to the development of the right brain with music is the easiest. Have deeply connected with the brain potential, the right brain is the music that opens the circuit because of the deep to the brain through the auditory cortex.

  2. But there is another circuit of human learning, it is not using a more effective person. I do not know that the learning method of hearing too much emphasis on the visual center of the learning method, using the music. The work on the ear than the eye I’m good. The ear is a playmaker secret that activates the right brain. There is a conscious and subconscious, of the human brain power have, in the workings of the human conscious mind is said to be at most 3%. Is said about the omnipotent subconscious On the other hand, are you hime a very good brain power. Working center is located in the diencephalon subconscious. All the nerve has gathered in the diencephalon, here is a land of mysterious source of human brain power. Music is a way to open the information going into the brain during this straight. There is a system in the brain between working higher energy, music ignited this system. So, listen to music and let the children with disabilities in the work of the head, so that the brain activation while in the control tower of the brain, a strange thing happened we. Children with learning disabilities, hearing impairment often have. Learning is that I do not go wrong ear is not functioning well. Miracle and to listen to music, open your ears, so take a return hearing, child learning can be performed smoothly, I could not say that word only to speak a sentence occurs.

  3. Child with a learning disability to the head instead of bad, I’m bad ear. It is a source of strength for what ear brain. When I listen to good music, the ear will improve gradually, and now take the high-frequency hear, especially the brain will be fine and fast. Energy in the brain is activated. And to listen to (especially Mozart) music that has come out of high-frequency sound to child well, I’ll see the complexion becomes brighter while the fact. And play music in a class of children with disabilities, children are restless, so sit neatly on a desk, learning Susumidasu smoothly. Elderly is not listening to the sound of high frequency words that neat or not to speak, as a source of high-frequency sound energy is not going to the brain, the brain rapidly losing their vitality. The sound of the TV has so many things that come out of the high-frequency sound frequency characteristic is not bad, if you can not send to the brain of the high-frequency energy to those who are looking, let me lose the vitality of the brain. On the contrary, even in children with disabilities in the ear, even old man became distant ear, and listened to Mozart, hearing is improved, high-frequency sound is now heard, energy is supplied to the brain, we will continue to rejuvenate .

  4. Sound which is the source of energy of the brain is a high-frequency sound. Low-frequency sound is not very good to the ear opposite. When I listen to high-frequency sound, hearing of the action was bad so far can be improved. Since when is that a bad ear, the brain’s energy intake is degraded, is a problem. According to the French linguist Alfred Tomatis sound in psychologist, it is a part of the organ of the ear that has a function generator to send energy to the brain. The brain from the ear to procure 90% of the energy in the brain, you’re raised from such blood is not just a 10% remaining. Sound and energy of the brain, Tomatis is said to be high frequency. Music that contains a lot of high-frequency sound that good, the brain Tomatis says it is music of Mozart. Examine everything from Indian music, modern music of Africa, the Far East from music, from classic from the noise, Tomatis, he says that is not inferior to any Mozart. Then, Mozart’s music is that there is a function to open the ears closed. Including high-frequency sound better than 8000Hz, the music of Mozart, is said to be good music this gives energy to the ear.

  5. In fact, the sound of the human fetus is listening in the belly, is said to be high-frequency sound over 8000Hz. When I hear the sound of the ultra-high frequency 8000Hz, the brain is activated, α wave is induced. Potential of the right brain is starting to wake up at the same time. Mozart’s music is that it contains a number of high-frequency sound that can not hear overtones out well, the ultra-20000Hz, humans. Fetus has grown up listening to such high-frequency sound, the sound of 8000Hz is over I am saying that the sound of the womb regression. Human birth is equipped with the power to hear the sound of up to 20000Hz from 150Hz. The ear has a property that can not be Toru hear the sound you do not hear in life, however, if there is no environment to listen to high-frequency sound in daily life, going as Tozasa the ear to hear the high-frequency sound is. There outer ear, middle ear, inner ear and the ear, are sharing their work differently. Of these, I have a function of the filter is not used to listen to sounds and middle ear, the sound would not introduce unpleasant. I have to act as a “barrier of the ear,” the middle ear. Rather than that it does not hear the sound that does not want to listen, to work the ear more efficiently, and it is also described as a phenomenon that occurs in order to limit the frequency response. In any case, the time was in the womb, but had ears to hear the full sound Toru, human or immediately after birth, the sound can come with age, not hear. Ear is going as Tozasa other words. To open this closed ears, hear the sound of it may be Sele womb regression, but it is the discovery of Tomatis.

In her book, Pamela Hickein mentions children learning from parents easily because they are in sync with them. This study describes how musicians playing together do the same. So if this is possible for adult musicians, then children should be able to sync with their parents even easier, especially if alpha music is being used. I read about it in the Tweedlewink book, but I love these kinds of similar findings that make it easier to swallow. :slight_smile:

This one is fascinating, as well., especially the “mirror neurons” firing during observation.

Blind Man Navigates Maze

All about “blind sight” and those who can see after losing their vision

I just purchased the Sparkabilities DVD’s. We watched the YouTube snippets and decided to go ahead after Tamsyn mentioned them - this forum can get expensive. Oh yeah, someone said that before.

We watched the toddler 1 the first time today. It is very fast flashing. It is basically a 1/2 hour of rapid flashing.

Here is my question, and I don’t have an answer, but am wondering what the long term effects of all this flashing is. We really are running an experiment on our children. As far as I can tell it is going ok, but it really is too early to know. I had these same reservations about Little Reader before I purchased it as well, but the speed of the Shichida video and the Sparkabilities DVD is way faster than Brillkids.

In Neil Postman’s book, Amusing Ourselves to Death (an excellent read by the way) he mentions how television rewires a child’s brain and not for good. He links this to an inability to follow logical arguments and think in a linear fashion. Basically he is saying that our mental lives should be in words not images. The rapid flashing of images decreases a child’s attention span. It would make sense to me that if you are doing this a lot with multiple programs, your brain is going to get used to the stimulation and books can’t compete.

I don’t have an answer for this and I haven’t done research to determine if this is really true. We obviously use LR, and LM so I’m in the boat with everyone else. I guess the sparkabilites DVD’s were a bit shocking and until I do more research I’m not sure I’m putting my child in front of them.

TMT, thanks for the links I am going to follow-up on those.

Edit: thought this was interesting…still thinking this through…

You can lower the speed of video in your media player. But your question remains. I’m in the same boat. I also think we’re making an experiment and there are a lot of questions still unanswered.

Have you read books from Pamela Hickein? She explains that the right brain is activated throught fast flashing . If you show pictures slowly you activate the left brain and in small children you speed up the bridging from right to left brain. Throught fast flashing we keep the right brain paths open therefore the learning becomes easier becouse it doesn ´t need the logical explanations.
Patty Hannan from PlayWisely has done lots of research with NASA before introducing the program and she also worked with Glenn Doman in the past.
I have met her last May and we talked a lot lol The sparkabilities dvds are just one part of her program. The brain in her brogram is stimulating by fast flashing and physical activities.
I am sure you know all this anyway :wink:

lelask, for me you were the first who mentioned about PlayWisely, and I did follow their website and whatever they got there, even got some of the books in the lists she recommends.
Also, read, but very fast, Pamela’s book, still need to read it thoroughly this time.
Still, there’s a lot to chew from different sources, the ones mentioned in this thread and much more, I’m sure, for me to say clearly “I believe this or that”. For now, I see what it does in my children and pay attention to their reactions and feedback. For now, it’s all right and kids are soaking up information and also love to ‘read’ books, put their fingers on text and ‘read’.
I “play safe”: use little fast flashing materials, read them books either on paper or online, sing songs together and more. Don’t use just one method. And they are both too young or less prepared to use Shichida or other with them.

Honestly, I worry about very rapid flashing a lot. Are we setting our kids up for Attention Deficit Disorder? If you think about the very rapid flashing thing very logically, you see that perhaps we are. I’ve read a lot about how overstimulation with interactive medium affects children adversely. And ever since I read Robinson’s stuff and recommendations on no-tv, no computer, etc., I have very, very drastically reduced my kids’ screen time. I’ll rather we read, read, read, read, and read. As a title of a controversial book says, Einstein never used flashcards, yet he turned out okay.

And as for Pamela saying very rapid flashing turns on the right brain, is this not pseudo-science? Where is the evidence? Did she go into a child’s brain to see how that brain got turned on via very rapid flashing? Sorry, but I’m very sceptical about all this. I’ve read Doman’s explanations of rapid flashing, and his rationale was that it keeps the child from being bored. That one I can understand. But rapid flashing has been elevated to the status of opening the right brain, and keeping the left brain closed; with that one I’m sceptical.

I don’t want this to devolve into an argument. I posed my original question on this thread because I would really like an open discussion. I see the benefits of rapid flashing with the little girl I have with down syndrome. She learns quickly with it. So, I think it works.

I also think there may be a difference between the screen (computer/TV) there is in flashing cards. The noises and all the bells and whistles cannot be replicated when flashing physical cards so I don’t see Doman’s original work as comparable to Sparkabilities.

We don’t have TV in our house and haven’t for 20 years. For this reason. We watch things on the computer if we do watch them. Until now LR and LM is all the flashing they were doing. We don’t watch TV. We had a brief stint where the kids watched Leapfrogs “The Letter Factory” and we watch YouTube videos of concerts/conductors.

I am after a good conversation about this and I think it does fall under this thread.

Nee can you post some links to any research you’ve done?

Sonya, there is no argument at all. :slight_smile:

I’ve seen Janet Doman show how to do flashcards, and though it was quite quick, it wasn’t rapid-fire. Her rationale was that when it is slow, the child gets bored. That I agree with. And she also said that children learn at a faster speed than adults, hence the need to show the cards quickly.

My concern is when the flashing is very rapid-fire (very unlike the Doman type of flash), with no space for the brain to process the information. Rapid-fire flashing appears to do the same thing TV does. The images change very quickly as with TV, and may lead to short attention spans.

I’ve also read some books that got me concerned about an overdose of screen time and stimulating media. E.g.,
The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future (Or, Don’t Trust Anyone Under 30) by Mark Bauerlein;
Endangered minds: Why children can’t think and what we can do about it by Jane Healy;
Brain Rules for Baby by John Medina.

I remember that before I started with EL I had the same questions and I will be happy if someone finds any true evidence on this matter and share it with us.
I wasn’t comfortable not only with flashing but the whole dvd watching idea. That is why we never did YBCR even thought we have them at home.
I spent about 3 months maybe more researching everything relating to brain before starting with LR or LM.
There was very little information in my country so I guess that what I know is the same info what you know from google and forum links.
I followed Doman, Tweedlewink ( my daughter didn’t like to watch dvds so we did the activities presented in dvds) and Play Wisely which again in a class it isn’t about rapid flashing. But I think I also thought they were too fast, I 'd need to look at them again .
I have never tried Schihida’s rapid flashing .
As I said I have the same questions in back of my mind so I have adapted everything to my comfort.
There will be new evidences in regards of how brain works so we might never know :blush:
I have seen what flashcards did with autistic children and I know that my daughter could subitize thanks to red dot cards :smiley:
I am not sure if I believe that chidren need to see the information only once in six months to remember it , these things I need to live - after all I grew at the time when repetition was the mother of wisdom.

I don’t think rapid flashing is meant to close the left brain as much as to keep the right-brain open. Our world focuses so much on left-brain learning techniques. Right-brain kids has said that they really want a whole-brained approach. I get that.

I think that the point behind the rapid flashing, photographic memory, memory linking, and such is to wire the brain to be able to process information quickly. I hypothesize (because I don’t know) that a child trained to read a book quickly will have MORE of a desire to read. If you could read all of the Harry Potter books in one day like Alenka Titzer because you have speed reading abilities, would you read less? If my kids only spend 15 minutes a day reading as adults, I would be fine with that if it meant they were reading a full book a day.

I’m reading an interesting book right now titled “Right brained kids in a left brained world” subtitled “unlocking the potential of your ADD child.” In some environments being ADD is a bad thing, such as when the teachers think the best solution is to drug the kids up. ADD kids can be easily distracted, prone to daydreaming, can be hyper-sensitive, and the list goes on depending on where you look. But ADD kids are also good at puzzles and mazes, have powerful visual memories, are creative thinkers, and a list of other positive traits that we ofter ignore. I am trying to help my children develop those very skills. Maybe by default I am training them to be ADD, but I don’t think so. We do plenty of left-brain activities as well. It all goes back to “just read to them every day”, “just let them play”, and “No child left inside”. I think we can take these things to extremes (them and us), and that’s where we run into trouble.

Having said that, we really are wiring our kids brains differently than we were, and our parents were. The chapter “Is There Any Such Thing as ADD”, the author discusses this. “Coaches find that players can no longer follow a play explained by using a chalkboard with x’s and o’s; instead they show videotapes. Our parents grew up listening to radio dramas, and most of us grew up with a couple of movie theaters and four or five television channels. Our children are exposed to an overwhelming array of cable channels, computer programs, video games, and web sites. It’s no wonder they think differently.”

Love it or hate it, our kid ARE a part of this generation. I want them to be able to process and keep up with a technologically driven world, so I am proceeding with the rapid flashing. But I don’t want it to be passive. I want them to be able to recall what they see. Schikida and Right Brain kids, and some of these other methods we have mentioned do that. They rapidly flash images, but then the kids use their left brain organizational skills to recreate what they saw, by either arranging tiles/pictures in order, drawing, or writing.

I think it’s all about finding a good balance. I’m not saying I’ve found it yet. :wink:

So this is rather off topic to right brain education but I have been thinking of this in regards to technology or no technology. I like the simple idea of the Robinson stuff and the no technology appeals to me as I was brought up for most of my childhood with no tv or computer and I loved to read. And it scares me how powerful tv/video/computer is. But our children are coming into a very different world than I did. When I got to universiversity I had to suddenly use a computer for word processing and that was it (this was 20 years ago!) and I remember how stressed I was. By the time my children get to university level everything will be on the computer. They will be using it for things that I can’t even imagine. And they will be using devices (not just computers) for things that I can’t even dream of. For me, technology didn’t change that much to when I had to use it so it wasn’t a huge gap for me to overcome. Now technology is changing so fast that the gap/learning curve of someone not familiar with at least some of it will be huge. Am I actually doing their education and their ability to integrate and use these technologies to learn a diservice if I restrict them in their learning now. If there is an easier way to learn something by watching DVDs or using technology why not use it? As Tamsyn suggests maybe it is rewiring their brain to learn differently (well, not maybe, we all know it is that is why it bothers us) but that differently is probably ‘normal’. Do we need to let them watch hours of cartoons and play random games to do that - no. But I think maybe we should expose them to some things at least and encourage the use of technology in their education.

Simple example, when I was a kid you were taught to pick up the phone and dial 000 (or 911) in an emergency. Now, I have had to teach my child how to do that. We only have mobile phones so it goes more like this
First, find the phone!
Then, press the sequence to unlock the keys.
Next, find the number keypad display by pressing the appropriate icon/button
Then press 000/911
Finally press call.
And in 6 - 12 months time when I have a new phone it will be different again (and of course everyone else’s phone is slightly different so if he is with someone else or somewhere else he needs to know how to work their phone).
So, maybe we are rewiring our children’s brains to a more fast flashing, fluid, non linear, think outside the square type approach but maybe we need to for them to survive in this world.

I found this ed talk that was part of another thread here very interesting.
Look at the results that he gets by putting a computer in a slum with children with almost no education. Technology opens up a whole world of learning that wasn’t even thought possibly a few years ago.

As Tamsyn says will it be setting our kids up for ADD type behavious. Possibly, but is that what is needed? I honestly don’t know. I’m not really sure where I stand at this point. The RC no technology appeals to me as I said - old fashioned 3R’s - but then I see my son’s excitement/interest and how much he learns from some science youtube videos that I could never teach him and he would never read in a book at this age.

I too have worried about Sparkabilities - the rapid changes just seem so dramatic! :blink:

As a matter of interest - have any of the parents on here worked on their own right brain skills? If so, I would love to hear your feedback. I have been working on this for the last few days and I have had some interesting results, e.g. after doing a photo eyeplay session, I had a strong urge to reconnect with an important person in my life with whom things had become quite strained. I acted on this feeling by sending a quick email which received a favourable response. What was interesting for me was that the photo eyeplay session led me to take a completely different course of action, but one that was right for me. I am both intruiged and sceptical as to where this right brain stuff will take me next :mellow: