mother of 14 months old boy

hi everyone, im liz and mother of 14 old months my cute son. i got to know abt this website from a friend, and i joined as member in january i think. but the sad thing is im a working mum and it’s difficult to find time to enter this web, discuss and also download the material…any suggestion how to manage time…
i work in office from 8-5pm, once i get home, i cook, clean house, wash clothes and it’s already 7.30…after that i will get quick meal and play with my son for a while before v go for sleep at 10. this is my routine…and i feel very very tired to do anything else at home…i wonder how other ppl manage their time…
yesterday i tried to download the LITTLE READER LITE and LITTLE READER MATHS.when i tried to extract the file, it says file damaged

welcome welcome. many things to read here but so little time.

Hi and welcome to the forums. It’s great to have you here! Feel free to browse the forums and add to any discussions that interest you. Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help getting around. We hope to hear more from you soon!

p.s. I will let the admins know about your installation problems.

Hi Liz,

Welcome to the Forum!

Looks like your download was not properly completed.

Can you please download the installation files again? Let us know if you need any further help!

Hi Liz
It’s been quite diffiult for you to manage between house/work schedule.
I too went thru this phase, and came up with a schedule that best fits me and my daughter. I try to prepare my materials on weekdays and put them togehter over the weekend.

You could refter to my post on how I went about teaching my child.;topicseen

hi everybody, tq for your fast reply, and im very sorry for unable to reply your messages.after so long only today im able to reply in brillkid’s forum.there are a few things i cant understand in this forum. it’s the karma thing and point system…what’s the reason of having karma and point system?
i took sometime to read a few threads and posts yesterday and i couldnt understand certain terms like YBCR and LR, LM…today it make sense…lol…
YBCR-your baby can read
LR-little reader
LM-little maths

for your information, i bought your baby can read cd recently when i was in a book store recently. i dont know in brillkid’s forum the name is YBCR…again lol…silly me
ok…back to the story-when i first showed the cd to my son, he didnt really react to the cd…he gace a bore signal
yesterday, i showed again the cd to him, but this time i say together the words, sing together and showed the body parts together when the cd says…my son reacts better than previous.
and i was so excited when suddenly he uttered the yes and nodd his head like in the cd…

im also preparing the material for doman’s method, lets c how it works for my son…
thank everybody for this great sharing…

Hello and welcome to this fantastic forum!

I look forward to getting to know you better and reading your posts. Please feel free to browse around. Also please feel free to join your country of origin board, This will help you get connected with other like minded parents from your country but also give you a place where you can talk freely about issues related to early education, and activites in which you may be able to get your child/ren involved in
hope these links will help you :smiley: :smiley:

we are here to help you!!