Morning Sickness Remedies Anyone?

Hello Everyone:)

I am pregnant and dealing with horrible morning sickness and nothing that I have tried has worked. Just wondering if there is anything that has worked for you or someone you know who experienced MS during pregnancy.

I have tried:
raspberry tea
morning sickness supplements
digestion supplements
eating small meals every two hours
essential oils (digest zen)

I do feel that these remedies work for some, but just not for me. I was sick with my first for the entire 10 months of my pregnancy and this one seems to be headed in the same direction seeing as how I am out of my first trimester and it still hasn’t let up…Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

10 months of pregnancy :ohmy: And being sick for all of it :frowning:

Here is an article that might have a few suggestions:

I know the red raspberry tea has helped several people, but it sounds like you have tried lots of other things without success.

I’m so sorry that you have to go through this! Hope it gets better soon!

I know exactly how you feel I was so miserable and I wanted to call out of work everyday. Then my husband bought me something from our local drug store called a sea band. They are used to keep people from getting seasick. They do make acupuncture wristbands for nausea. But the sea bands worked for me.
I hope you find something to help you feel better.

Thanks Mela Bala for your input, I also tried sea bands and they nothing for me, but I figured out that I don’t have nausea so I am not surprised they didn’t work, but I am glad they helped you!

Thanks CVMomma for the article…with the exception of one I have tried them all and none have worked…I have come to the conclusion that this is just my challenge during this amazing time in my life :slight_smile:

Take Care and Thanks again!!

I know this is too late to help you but maybe it will help someone else. I just wanted to say that my midwife (who happens to be my mother-in-law) came up with milk thistle for morning sickness and it got rid of it for me. I took the capsules but you could take tincture if you can’t swallow anything. Hope it helps someone! I’m pregnant again and thinking maybe I should get some just to have on hand! I think it took a few days last time but you should get relief soon.The logic behind this is that the yucky feelings come from the body dealing with the pregnancy hormones and what deals with them particularly is the liver so since most of us don’t have perfect diets our liver isn’t perfect. Give it some help and it can deal with the hormones just fine! Good luck to all pregnant Mommies out there!

Eating a little bit constantly or when ever you feel queasy. I had apple slices ready to go and ate them a lot. I thinking the eating in combination with the apples made the difference.

Thankfully didn’t deal with this much, but hope that you find a way to remedy it

Globe artichoke extract by mediherb got rid of it 95% for me. Artichokes are a thistle, by the way. I took two empty gelcaps and filled them with the very nasty tasting liquid and took them with each meal. I had morning sickness really bad for a short time and I could have kissed the bottle and carried it with me everywhere.

Mediherb doesn’t test any of their products on pregnant or lactating woman so there is a label warning to this effect on every herb they sell. It is to cover themselves legally, not because artichokes cause any problem with pregnancy.

I would see how much it takes to work and only take that much. I only needed it for two weeks.

ohh…feel for u
been there, done that…just cross ur fingers will go away soon

This could seem oversimplified but I found that I got my sickness only when I ate poorly. In this case, eating poorly consisted of meat/dairy/ animal products and especially if I ate a lot of them! Strangely enough, produce, as long as it was organic or mostly chemical free really made me feel great in comparison. Hope this helps someone. :rolleyes:

Small, regular high protein meals, – it helps to keep your blood sugar balanced, – and since blood sugar fluctuations contribute to morning sickness, this can be a part of solution, it did work for me, as long as my meals were somewhat plain, no souses, spices, etc

Avoid food with MSG, artificial colorants and refined sugars/ingredients – those would contribute to morning sickness

Surprisingly, tiredness makes you more susceptible to morning sickness, so try to get a good rest

Anything to support your liver function! Liver works overtime during pregnancy, and while morning sickness gets triggered by hormons, the level of the liver functionality and efficiency might determine the severeness of morning sickness

What helped me – lots of fresh air and avoiding hot stuffy rooms;

These are jst some random thoughts which I hope will be of help to someone

Sorry this is a bit late, but for me Nauzene has helped for any kind of nausea I’ve had over the past few years.(And that is a lot!) I’m early into my first pregnancy and my nausea has been absolutely horrible. For about 90% of my nausea it has helped for a little while, but just a little while of no nausea is wonderful. On the box it tells you to chew 2-4 tablets and then if you still nauseated after 15 minutes you can repeat dosage, but I’ve only chewed 2 at most at one time. It is a temporary fix though…at least for me. It’s great for if you can’t ever eat anything, and you just want the nausea to go away long enough to eat and keep it down. You can buy Nauzene at Walmart, and some drug stores and I’m sure many other places but it can be hard to find. Also, its no more then $5 here. I did look up Nauzene online to see if it was safe for pregnancy and everything I have found so far says it is, but you can do a little research yourself if you need to.
Again sorry this is so late…hopefully it helps someone… Good Luck to everyone here, nausea is just horrid. :frowning:

I am finding that chewing gum helps…its a easy solution that may help.

How about feeling exhausted from pregnancy? How can I cure that?

try eating crackers BEFORE you get out of bed and make any movements that can upset your tummy.

Ice blocks were my thing. I think it was probably more just having something going into the stomach constantly, but they certainly helped.
Re tiredness…have you had your ion leaves checked?
I found meditation and light exercise helped, but the biggest thing was being able to nap when I needed (I was very lucky there).

Try Unisom, it worked for a friend. Here is a site with comments about it:

Hello Everyone!

Thank you all for your suggestions I really appreciate it :biggrin: I have finally reached my due date yet the baby has decided he isn’t ready to come yet and I still have morning sickness everyday all day. I wasn’t able to try all of the suggestions given, but I have a feeling that this allday sickness that I have during pregnancy will continue with future pregnancies so I will definitely be keeping the suggestions handy for the future. In the meantime I do hope that others may have benefited from this post.

As far as the posts on tiredness, I agree on getting iron levels checked and resting as much as possible. My midwife started me on floradix due to my iron levels being low. She was concerned about them to the point that she informed me if they didn’t go up I may not be able to have the home birth that I was planning for. Once I started taking it on an empty stomach twice a day my iron levels went up a great deal and we were both happy. Although it did nothing for my morning sickness it did boost my energy level and I wasn’t out of breath just by walking up a flight of stairs lol

I never heard of globe artichoke extract or milk thistle for morning sickness, but I am all for trying anything that may help alleviate it. Thank you!

Happymommy4ever and skylark thanks for the info regarding the liver during pregnancy. I did some more research and learned a lot.

Thanks again to all you and have a great day!!! :biggrin:

I had nausea in my first trimester, tried all the usual remedies. It settled down for a couple of weeks after christmas and then came back worse than ever: painful bloating and violent vomiting. I stumbled across a blog somewhere recommending more good fats to keep you blood sugar levels even. I started probiotic egg milkshakes for breakfast and the nausea went away immediately. I’ve gone without a couple of days since to test the theory and the nausea came back. So two (cooked) eggs a day, full cream milk & yoghurt, a tablespoon of coconut oil and a banana in a smoothie has been my solution.

Rachel, sounds like a wise choice – increasing protein intake, which in many cases would help with morning sickness sinificantly, plus t is really good for your growing baby! Aim at 100-120 g of protein a day, with good probiotics and greens!

I also had a bad morning sickness that lasted whole day. Luckily it got better after 1st trimester. I found taking plenty of rests helped. Strange enough, I also found taking fisherman’s sweets seemed to take the edge off it!! Couldn’t explain why though…Had tried lots of others remedies but didn’t work for me.