More then Just Shapes,colors,& size

Hi guys.!
iam new to this forum,have a 3 year old daughter and 1.5yr son.
daughter have learned a littile ,shapes colors, and sizes.
she can count the things. put the dots after counting, match the colors/shapes . letters
recogonize letters n numbers, 1-5 and A-c.LOL…
i know most of you have a smile after reading this, cuz i have seen very BRILLIANT kids in BRILL kids,so feel little Guilt,but can anyone please telll me how i can teach her more?
any proper syllabus…??also i cant buy anything …can i get FREE ?
i wanna homeschool my kids, Please help me.

I am reading this book right now, you might try to borrow it from the library or buy it, and it might sparkle you with lots of ideas about what to teach your kids. The book’s name is

Montessori Read & Write : A Parents’ Guide to Literacy for Children by Lynne Lawrence
ISBN 0-09-186351-1

Hope it helps!

If you plan on homeschooling, then eventually it will be up to you to teach: reading, writing, math, and any other subject matter such as science or history. I don’t think you have to spend much money, if any at all.

It doesn’t matter what your starting point is; all that matters is that you know where you’re trying to go. Then you can explore various methods of getting there and tweak your strategy depending on what seems to work for your daughter (or son) and discarding what isn’t working.

At this point, your daughter recognizes some numbers and letters. What would be something helpful at this point? I’d say perhaps learning all the numbers up to 10 and maybe the whole alphabet. How are we going to get there? Perhaps doing a lot of counting (you didn’t mention if your DD can count)… count up, then count down, or count down and then count up. You can use items to make it visual. For number recognition, you would have to combine the counting with a visual and the numerical representation… around here that usually means flashcards of some type with a picture; there’s also counting books galore that will do the same thing.
As for letter recognition, you can explore (a free site) that’s perhaps the best around for learning letters; you can go with names of letters or just their sounds. Many would recommend working with their sounds at first, but that’s a personal choice. I think starfall also has numbers, but I haven’t looked at that.

Break the educational work into small chunks that works well with the shorter attention span of a 3 year old. DD doesn’t have to get through everything in one sitting, but broken into small itty bitty minute or two chunks, you can conquer a whole lot throughout the day if done periodically as mood and situation allows.

HI ansisari, Welcome!

If you want to teach whole word reading you can use flash cards in very brief sessions a few times day. You will be surprised how much they learn with very little teaching time this way. Preparing the cards is the time consuming part and you would have to have thick paper to do it, but the actual teaching time is very brief. Another mom on this site has a blog and I found this description on how to fast flash to be very helpful. You will enjoy the video of her daughter too. =)

Do you have alphabet refrigerator magnets? The great thing about refrigerator magnets is that whenever we happen to be in the kitchen (which is pretty often) we look at a couple of letters and make the sounds. My son (almost 16 months) repeats some of the letter sounds with me. It is very cute, especially when he tries to make the sound of the x! There is no formal teaching time needed for this and because we are in the kitchen often we do it several times a day without even realizing it. I know you said you didn’t want to buy anything but you should be able to find them pretty cheap if you don’t have them.

There are of course a few free downloads on this site (brillkids) and other people here have also said they like

I have also found the following YouTube channels to be helpful and of course that is free:

Phonics, letters, numbers, colors, etc.

Songs with whole word reading:

Happy teaching!