More Shichida!

Love wondervolle parents out there
I’ve been a member for several months, and now need your help.
I teach my son (19 months) after GD.
But he does not want to know from math. So I searched for information about SM Day 65 Math.Im totally faziniert moment of the entire program. I’d like to teach my son to SM. But since I live in Germany, I am dependent on the forum. I have so many questions:
What relaxation exercises there are, besides the energy ball
Must be a pause between Math FlashCards Momory games are made?
As a session to be carried out in a day? And perhaps I can describe someone as a session should look for one 19-month-old child!
Thank you very much!

Dear ilima,
According to Prof. Shichida that kids under 3 years old are always in the alpha wave, mean you don’t need to do anything to make your child relax. Moreover, energy is kind of positive statement for the kid, it’s good to practice that before you start the games.
What did you mean by Math Flashcards Momory? is it 65 days program?
How many session is depends on how much you do for your kid. Inputs can be given no matter when, no really need to be sit down, open a book and show him the things.
Hope you get what I mean, thanks.

Dear Ilima,

Maybe you could flash the math cards when your son is having his milk. That way he wont be moving around and flashing just 5 cards each session will take less than 2 minutes.

Only flash the math cards when he’s having his milk.While he concentrates on drinking his milk he would passively take in the information you flash in front of his eyes. After a while, your son will get use to it and may even start to participate if you try this:

Flash the 5 cards as usual, when you stop at the 5th card, turn it downwards and turn it upwards again and make a sound as if he is taking a photo with a camera. Repeat turning it down and up 2 times and now bring out another card, could be the 4th card or the 1st card and show him that card and the 5th card side by side, ask him to choose which is the number that represents the 5th card he just took a photo of. If he points at the correct one, cheer, clap and celebrate a little so he feels good and excited and want more. I do this with my son sometimes. It is so cute to see him roll his eyes and then point to the correct card accompanied with a smile. :slight_smile: He’s also not interested in the math program so I’m taking it really slowly, stopping if necessary and starting again after a while to try my luck.

Dear EQ_boshi,
thank you Your words help me even further. What do you think I should order the two books on the Shichida website to get a better understanding for the method?
I am just starting the book by Y. Tobitani, because I was able to order here in Germany. In general, there is a possibility Shichida teach successfully, if not the children go to one of its schools?

Thanks for your tips VictoraC.
I have started since a few days after SM to teach math and right now it looks as if I had the full attention of my son.

A question that still have at the moment: Linking Memory Story Line:
I show my son five words. Should I show the pictures to my son only? Or I’ll give him the picture in his hand when I say it? How do you do it? And does it always have exactly the same story be? I have the storyline of the Shichidaparents.
I hope to hear from you!
Thank you very much!

Is it too late to start this with my 4 year old son. I have been told he appears to have a photographic memory and I would love to start this program with him. I’m just so confused, people are giving lots of great info, its just not sinking in with me lol. I’d love to know exactly where to start and what books I should read. I don’t believe they offer and courses in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Dear ilima,
There are a lot of successful stories whereby the mother can teach the kids with Shichida Method by not attending the school. Shichida Method is a method that really emphasize on bonding. You are your kid’s best teacher! Believe in yourself, read more book about this method or from Prof. Shichida.

Dear waterdreamer,
There will be never too later since they are still very young!Just that you need to do relaxation exercises before started and make sure you on the alpha wave music along the games.


Love EQ_boshi,
Thank you for your love motivation. That was exactly the right words that I needed. And also the description of the Memory Games on one side, very useful-thank you!

Dear ilima,
You’re welcome!! As an educator, we should always supporting each other no matter you are a mother, father or an educator. I always believe in Right Brain training and I do support Shichida Method.
Hope that my info or knowledge will be able to help you. Keep it up.

Hi Ilima,
You can go to youtube to search for shichida energy ball. There you will get a rough idea how to conduct it.
Pls bare in mind, if you are notready or even stressed up, DO NOT conduct any lesson with your child because it is believe that you will transfer this chi to your child and he/she may feels stress up.
Anything that is coducted in a fun way is right brain.
You can always start off with any I love you song…then start the lesson.
Flash the card when your child is eating or drinking milk…or you even can play the math cd at the background you may dance and sing with your child.
Play math dot game with your child. Try to place at least 2-3 dot cards at different place…then say aloud mommy wants 6…then race to the card with 6 dots on it…(of course let your child win once in a while) :biggrin: and then say good job…
As for math you can also do counting with them using house objects…etc.
Pls bare in mind shichida 65 days programs…if your child can follow then it would be great but if cant pls modify it to suits your child. If he/she really doesnt want to see, stop and reintroduce it again. Dont force then your child will be resist to the program.
You can even do the math game SM way…e.g. draw 5 dots in a box…and ask your child if there’s 5 dots nod his/her head if not raise his/her arm. Try to make it fun.

In SM normally if the child guesses incorrect we will say “good try”, and if guess correctly we will say “well done”, good job". Make sure you praise your child for his efforts…not based on the number of correct answer he/she provides.

Such good advice. I love to read about joyfulness and teaching in such a positive manner. Karma to you :biggrin:

Hello mmom,
These are very good games for math I’ll start tomorrow. I am looking forward to it!
Thank you very much! Be here I am in the forum, I’ve got very good ideas and motivations.


Hi Ilima,
You are most welcome.
Am going to share another thing with you today, well you can also play the addition, subtraction and multiplication song at the background while you are playing or during her/his nap.
You can always record your own voice or you may even buy it from the internet. Mine I bought it from shichida center, as for you maybe you can purchase it from this website:
Will try to share some of the shichida worksheet with you later…I need time to create it…
Hope this helps

Hello again mmom,
Today it was great fun with us. I’ve played both math games today and we had fun doing it. I continue to stay 65 days program and play the various games. I think that I am not able to use the CD because I do math in German.
Thank you very much! And I’m looking forward to the next ideas!

Hi, Ilima,
NO worries, you can record your own voice. Besidses, you can even made your very own math flashcard…like 1+1=2 flash it as an image.
Actually if you let your child to listen to the cd also gives your child chance to expose to english language.
Will try to help you to get something which you can use it in german language…
Take care and enjoy the process of learning with your child.