More questions about right brain learning


I used the “search” box and looked for right brain learning (a new topic for me) and read all I could find. I still have some questions.

How do we reach the right brain? From what I read, young babies are more right brain, using quick flashcards stimulates the right brain, being sleepy helps, as well as crawling. Are there other ways that help reach the right brain? I understand that there are ways to help baby be able to use their right brain for learning for a longer time than usual. Can anyone share how one does that?

I know it is an early learning board, but are there ways to help older children use their right brains to learn? (I have 4 children who are already older and didn’t get the advantage of early learning.) I’ve heard that there are ways to help them use their right brain in learning, but I haven’t been able to figure out how. :wacko:

Thanks for helping me learn how to teach my babies. :smiley:

Yes there are many games like matching cards,memeory games,imagination etc that will help your child for his right brain to remain open for a longer period of time.You can go through this website .They do have course for parents of older kidsand the name of course is Wink programme for older kids ie from 4 yrs onwards.And for 0-3 yrs they have course calle Tweedlewink.So you can go throught this website.And they also have dvd’s for your kids.Which will help them for there learnings.They have lots of things in there dvd’s.I hope this helps you.


Shall I try these programs for jake .I only do lesson from LR.Will his right brain open again as he is 5years old and when he was 2 he used to talk and even motions .He stopped talking when he was 3 and he was diagnosed that he is autistic.Can u help me please too .

Yes you can go to right brain kids site and you can find out programme for older kids.And if you want you can ask them about it they will guide you in better ways.You can contact to know she is a member of brillkids forum by the name ‘rbkids’


Can u give me more details please .About winnie is it a program or site .Thanks for the help.

Wennie is a person who is a owner of right brain kids.And you can ask her about programmes for your child through .Just for ur knowlege she is also a member of brillkids forum by the name “rbkids”.


I have 1 question regarding Right brain dvd’s is can we use tweedle wink dvd’s and YBCR dvd’s both to teach our kids??? As tweedlewink is more right and YBCR is left brain.But still can we use both to teach our kids??


Yes, Sapna. There are many people who use both.

It’s good to stimulate both left and right brains. Traditional education is left brain development and the flash cards/ DVDs are right brain training. In fact, if we develop the right brain at baby’s early stage (because babies use more right brain when they are small), the left and right brain connection will be stronger later when they grow up.

If you want to learn more about right brain education, here’s an ebook (it’s free lol ) offered by Tweedlewink:

This is where you can find the DVDs:

Have a happy new year!

