More BK courses

Hi all,

I think many people using LR will agree that the BK courses (semester 1 and 2) are fantastic quality and fun! If there were more courses of this kind of quality I’ll be the first to buy them. I know that the current semester 1 and 2 reading courses are enough for many kids to learn how to read, but it is also such a wonderful language learning tool that I wouldn’t mind more. I would also love nicely strucktured History / Geography / Science courses (I know there’s tons of very nice catagories in the LR library, but I bet you guys know what I mean when I say I’d love a BK quality course) I’m so looking forward to the LR Music course that will be coming out with LMs, I can only emagine it to be wonderful!

Does anybody know if the BK team are planning more courses? Is there maybe talk of such developments after LMs? One can only hope. :biggrin:

MamaOfWill, I know exactly what you mean. Isnt it just awesome to have courses all organized and put together?!

KL, would probably give a much better overview of what is in the works. But among other things, the new LR version that is soon to be released would have some great new functions, – which would make it very easy to put courses together. You can check a brief overview here:’s-coming-next!/

I also know that BK team is creating additional English curriculum categories to be released soon, and of course LMs!

I like your ideas of creating structured History / Geography / Science courses, I personally would love to have also Classical Education courses, – like Classical Art appreciation, Bible/World Religions History, etc. I am sure if all of us suggest topics and ideas, they will be added to the “projects to tackle” list, and sooner or later they will become a reality!

Are there other language course planned? I would love LR French & Spanish. I know there are lots of resources available, but I love the strcture of LR Sem 1 & 2 as it takes no time to prepare, just press play.

Yes, there are other languages planned!

In fact French is next to be released. :slight_smile: Spanish, Arabic and Russian are also in works, at different stages of completion.

Yay - any idea of timeframe for French?

That sounds great, personally I’d love for them to bring out a Little Reader Japanese course.

World Relegions History!! Great idea! Maybe there should be a place were we could vote for what courses of subjects or languages we’re wishing for, that way BK can atleast have an indication as to what their current members are interested in (but it would be a poor reference as most would’nt vote :nowink: )