Monthly milestones

Here is an idea I though to share. It is always helpful for me to “compare” in a good sense of this word with other children, when my little one is growing up.

We used to do “monthly milestones” with the small group of mothers, just writing few main points that baby did, learned, experienced in such and such month. It was really neat, as it was not just educational, but also gave me an idea about some things that my little one might be capable of, but I just did not think to try, or would enjoy doing, but I have not considered. It also was a great way to see progress and to cheer each other up.

So I thought to start the thread here, where we can chare the MONTHLY MILESTONES of our babies. It will be great to state at the beginning of the post something like week 20 - week 24 ( or 5-6 months), for example. And just a short run down of the points, the main things that your baby was able to do, accomplish or experience for the first time that month. I think later, it also can be helpful for other parents to look through it and see lets say what other babies did at the age of 9 months. Of course each one os different, but it can be a fun avenue to share ideas and progress…

Let me start…

5 months ( weeks 16-20)

5 months! Summary of weeks 16-20

  • Loves attention and showing off! Smiles to everyone and trying to meet the gase of people we meet or pass by, the moment she does she gives them big smile!

  • Discovered her toes and likes sucking on them; she prefers left foot to her right one; if she has a sock on, she would suck it as well, so we started to have to change wet socks as well as wet bibs!

-Started to sit up without any support, for a short time will play with toys that lay in front of her ( big stuffed alphabet block, frog, etc.), then will lose balance; she ventures to let go of both of her hands, and use both of her hands to play

  • She is sitting in baby-pod for her school

  • Started to play “ball” with me, we use large stuffed alphabet block, and roll it to each other

  • Enjoyed her balloons that float, daddy will bring a few balloons for her occasionally, and she loves watching them, she learned to pass the string from one hand to another; and learned that if she let go, it will fly away

-Had her first experience with the sand on the beach; sand was very warm, we sat her in it and she loved it, tried grabbing as much sand as she can in her tiny hands

  • From one day to the next she decided that she does not want to sleep swaddled anymore, now she sleeps un-swaddled

-Went out to a church for the first time, loved the music, watching piano being played

  • Had her first well-baby pediatrician visit. She was such a great sample during the whole time, – smiled to everyone ( even though was awaken from sound sleep), asked to go potty and went immediately, did not cry for weighting and measuring, nursed. She weighted 12 and a half pounds.

  • She wants to drink water from the “normal” water bottle like us, when we are out, grabbing the bottles at every chance, we gave her a try, she did not like the water but liked the experience; the same with cap

  • Knows what we mean, when we say that we are going “to the park”, really shows her anticipation, even willing to be in a car seat. Loves going to the park! When we take a walk, sits up in her buggy and watches people and trees.

  • Started Little Reader curriculum, she loves it!

  • Started learning about animals ( Russian PPP, LR curriculum), and a little after we started she got a chance to see live baby chicks, ducks, geese, mice, hamsters in a farming supply store. After all these “real life” encounters she is all excited when “Animal facts” come as a lesson on her Little Reader!

  • Had her first encounter with real horses on one day and 3 months baby horse on another! She was so excited, absolutely loved the baby horse.

  • When she is done on the potty, she “gets up”, kind of leans with all her body forward, almost falling off, letting us know that she is finished

  • Her favorite books “Christian Mother Goose Big book” ( “Pussy Cat”, “Lucy Lady Bug” and “God loves you little one”), “Whose Baby am I?” ( with big colorful illustrations of animal babies and russian “Colors” book