Montessori teacher training versus being certified

Can anyone explain to me about the montessori teacher training course versus the diploma and or the certification. I am thinking about becoming a trained montessori teacher for our community outreach but I am just a little confused. I see training courses that offer international diplomas for 550.00 then i see teacher training course for 150.00 so I just need someone to help me figure this out. We do not have any one here in our area to train under and with 3 kids and 15 homeschoolers in our community program I do not have time to train under anyone or go to a place to study. The online programs that claim to certifiy you are pretty expensive for a stay at home mom and they don’t offer any scholarships oir financial aid either. any advice or ideas?
The state that I live in does recognize montessori teachers as regular teachers but I just need to understand how it all works, the levels.

I don’t quite know myself. I sent off for a packet of info on Montessori Teacher Training on Friday. I’ll call the center in my state again to ask about this, I had never noticed the different levels.

I’m looking at taking the teacher training either this summer or next summer.

I’d like to become a certified Spalding and Montessori teacher, so I guess I also need to begin looking into Spalding certification, though that one seems like it will be more difficult because I don’t know of any schools that use the Spalding method in my area…