Montessori mom looking for new after-school resources / Yamie Chess math program

My little Janny (having been homeschooled for 3 years) is now in a Montessori class where at indoor recess and after-school groups, the kids participate in the Yamie Chess math program ( Basically, it’s divided into the slightly older kids helping the younger ones, and then their math teacher doing the program problems on algebra, venn diagrams etc together as a group. The school has integrated Yamie Chess as group brainstorming sessions while reading with the class, and we’re looking for similar avenues (not necessarily chess or STEM related) which have the same focus as the YAMIE program.

Also wondered if there any other Montessori folks with suggestions here? And, does anyone else use Yamie Chess? (Many of the older kids I have seen in the after-school class also have a background with Saxon)


PS: We’re Christians so don’t mind any suggestions in the Apologia direction etc