Montessori madness

A great video that advocates Montessori. I think it’s a promotional tool for Trevor Eissler’s new book Montessori Madness…
Any comments?

brilliant … nice film.

That is a promotional tool for the book, and the book is great. :slight_smile:

I have never attend the Montessori class, but I was told the class basically is based on more on the practical . It make your kid more active on touching, creating, thinking skill, and the fun learning is much enjoy more than other traditional school. But the big problem is how we know this is Montessori teaching method. What I found out from the kindergarten which near by the kota kemuning area, they also provide some hand on activities. So If for me, I dont think putting the kid to the special center for Montessori is necessary lol… Am I right ? ( Money Matters Problem ) :clown:

Hands on materials is just one small part of the Montessori method. Being true to the philosophy, a Montessori school needs a Montessori “attitude” towards children which is evident in every facet of the child’s school experience.

Adding hands on materials (or even genuine Montessori ones) to a traditional school setting does NOT make it Montessori.

And I’m not saying other schools can’t be good, they just aren’t Montessori. :slight_smile:

So true! Maquenzie. I have one daughter in a montessori Pre school and one in a Monte Playgroup at the school. BOTH LOVE IT and I have had 2 major tantis from the older one when picking her up from school because she does not want to come home she wants to stay at school and ‘play’

Yes, is very nice and I know that Montessori is a good way to teach our kids, but the thing that i really upset about is the price that you need to pay for your kids so they can go to a Montessori school. Right know I’m looking for one to send my girl but the Montessori schools are so expensive… :wacko: is sad cause is a good education and our kids are the future. Why they do this? Why they turn something good in something expensive and select it?

PS:Sorry for any grammatical mistake :blush: I’m spanish speaker.

I sympathize with you about the price of Montessori. I love the Montessori philosophy, but I can’t afford the school right now. Depending on your child’s age, you may be able to do a lot of Montessori things at home. With my 18 month old, we do tons of Montessori. There may be books at your library: “Montessori from the Start” and “How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way” are often recommended. Downloading the Michael Olaf catalogues (“The Joyful Child” for 0-3 and “Child of the Word” for 3-6) is also helpful. The toys and apparatus are expensive, but you can often make them or make do with cheap substitutes. (That is against Montessori philosophy, but better some Montessori than none!) The society of a Montessori classroom is what you still miss out on, but it’s at least in the right direction. Good luck

Well this is a topic that I will like to participate, I am a Montessori Certified Teacher (kindergarten). I started teaching my child on the Montessori Method since she was 1 .5 year old, now she just turned 4 and she is still being homeschool by me at home. I love it!! She will be going to a Montessori summer camp a week here and a week there (its so expensive) but I think she needs to improve following instructions better and this is the only thing its making me sending her to a camp. Because honestly I think she will get more stuff done at home than in a classroom with 20 other children and 2 teachers.
I think my daughter is very independent so she will need few guidence or none at all, that makes me feel better, because I know other children about her age or even older are not on the same independece label.So make me relieve that she may not need the guidance teacher a lot, teachers can get pretty busy , special when you have 20 kids that are in different levels and they come from different homes with different actitud.

I support 100% the Montessori Method but saddly there are some schools that have missused this Method. and they also charge a lot of money like they pretend being a Montessori School.

Parents don’t forget that the Montessori Method started with very poorly founds (almost none), we dont need expensive material to get the smae results, its true its nice to have the material and tools we can find online from these expensive sites that charge you a lot for the material and even more for shipping.
I do order material I need once a year from this sites but I am saving money on childcare, otherways I wouldnt be able to afford it. But most of the time I have to say we use material from home,or my husband build stuff for us too (which is a great help, he is very envolve and a great support).

I invite you check some Montessori moms that are blogging about different activities they do homeschooling their children at home that any mom can do too, without the need to spent hundreds of $$$$.

I also invite you to my blog, maybe you can get few ideas and also meet other moms that blog about this Method.

I just bought the ebook montessori at home and i love it. we are using the montesorri method now at home and i can tell you that my 19 month old is counting to 10, singing her ABC and pointing out letter son everything she sees. we are printing items from the montessori print shop online and the items are great for making our own file folder and lap book items. thanks so much. and i will hopefully post some pics and videos of how we montessori at home with everyday stuff along with special made items out of wood. we have a friend who made us the stairs and my children love them. they will sit for hours playing with the stairs building and rearranging.

My daughter is 4, and we have been doing some Montessori and Doman since her birth.
PY your Blog is awesome! Thanks for sharing it.
I want to become a Montessori Teacher, so if you PY, or anyone has any recomendation as to a program, etc to look for, I would really apreciate it. We just moved to the USA, and becoming a montessori certified teacher is one of my goals. I was living in Argentina before, and this method isn’t very common there.

Hi Virginia,

Try googling Montessori Internationale. Which is Maria Montessori ‘school’ tobecomea certified teacher.

I found one that was internationally accredited for around 500.00 all online. Because with what I could find there were some that you had to actually go to the training center and around here the nearest one is a couple of states over so that is why I am looking into the one online.

PY … thanks for sharing and I love your blog

I am Malaysia and to enter to Montessori class is very expensive here… may I know from you :

  1. When is the toddler can start Montessori class ? my babay is going to 2 years old…
  2. how to get free Montessori resources by internet ?
  3. is the lagbook is a type of Montessori ?

Thanks :wub: