MonkiSee - At the Farm

Recently, I received a copy of the new MonkiSee DVD “At the Farm”. Honestly, I was unsure of how my son would enjoy it as their earlier DVDs concentrate on teaching vocabulary and he really has established a good command of the English language (relative to his age, of course). While we have enjoyed and benefited from all of the earlier MonkiSee DVDs (including the Memoflix DVDs), and highly recommend them, I feared that my son’s knowledge had surpassed the linguistic level of MonkiSee’s target audience.

This DVD, however, is different from MonkiSee’s previous works. It still teaches farm vocabulary, but its gold is in the encyclopedic knowledge it offers. Within the first few minutes of the DVD, my son heard the word “ornithology” and it’s meaning (the scientific study of birds). He (we) also learned that, contrary to popular belief, cows do NOT have the ability to see the colour red, and that one pound of sheep’s wool makes TEN MILES of yarn! This DVD is just packed with interesting facts that even a big boy of the ripe age of “more than four and three quarters” finds enjoyable.

And, I should mention the music. As I said earlier, we’ve been enjoying the MonkiSee DVDs for several years now and have had the privilege of seeing (hearing) the beautiful Guerrero girls develop their musical talents. This DVD has a very catchy tune that has many different verses – all relating back to the animals most recently introduced. We really liked the song and I, particularly, enjoyed the harmonies. The voices are strong, confident and clear.

I want to warn you, however, that if you are planning to watch it on an old box TV like we have in our main gathering place, the DVD is designed for a wide screen. When we used the big box TV portions of the words were cut off…it’s not a problem on the flat screen. So, if there are any of you who are like me – living with one foot in the old world and one in the new, be forewarned :slight_smile:

I feel quite fortunate to have this DVD added to our collection! I can see us enjoying it for quite a while.

Kizudo, thanks for the nice review. It was much appreciated by everyone that was involved in the project, which is the whole family. :slight_smile: It was a fun script to write and it is nice to know that you guys learned some new facts. We are working on our sea animals video and look forward to inviting anyone that is interested to participate by sending us some video. Thanks for your support !!

OOPs! I forgot to include the link. Hope it works, otherwise just go to and click on “store”

If anyone is looking for a discount code to save a little bit send me a PM.