Mom of a 7yo boy and a 7 week old girl

I have been reading a long for a while now so I figured I would introduce myself.

I am a single mother (by choice) of 2 beautiful kids. I live in the Netherlands. Teaching babies is really rare here, and even frowned upon.

A son who is now 7 years old, he was a surprise. At first he was fast, with almost everything. And I tied to stimulate him as much as possible. I bought the Your Baby Can Read program in Dutch, the Hooked on English program to teach him English for him, but we had difficulties sticking to the schedule. Things got in the way, like daycare, moving to a new home, and time passed by.

When he started school at 4 years, the preschool teacher told me that he might have and high IQ and needed to keep an eye on him. Then things changed, he got a new teacher after a couple of weeks and a couple of tragic events happened. He wasn’t a happy child anymore. After a few therapy sessions thing got better, but his head start had disappeared. It turned out he is a highly sensitive person, and gets upset quickly.

Now he is an average child in reading, math and psychically. However he has a great memory and he is very curious for every thing around him. So his Encyclopedic Knowledge is amazing, especially since I have failed to teach him. He is now really interested in English again, so now we are doing the Hooked on English program at high speed. And then start the Hooked on Phonics program to teach hem to read in English.

With my baby girl I want to be more active in giving her every opportunity possible. I wanted to use the YBCR program, but the DVD’s are broken, so in looking for an alternative I came across the Doman method. I immediately bought all Doman’s books I could find and made some of the materials. I made a crawling track, and even got a lot of compliments about it. A lot think it is genius (while not knowing what it is used for) and ask me where I bought it.
I started the How Smart is Your Baby? program a couple of days after birth. And is going great, my girl is making a lot of progress, also noticed by the pediatrician. Although she sleeps a lot so I can’t seem to find enough time to do all exercises as much as I like.

I plan to do the following programs:

  • math
  • Encyclopedic Knowledge
  • reading (Dutch)
  • English
  • swimming (Classes and hopefully Doman) (Here in the Netherlands babies aren’t allowed in the public pool without floaties except during baby swim classes)
  • and the physical program (already started)

Hope to keep finding inspirational stories, great tips of how to do the programs and as my experience grows even give advice here on BrillKids.

Wow, you built a crawling track! You are my hero. :wink:

Really though, that takes a lot of work. Congratulations. Would love to hear how your daughter progresses, you’re lucky to be starting her so young!