mom in indonesia

hi…iam mom of 2 months old baby…can i start teaching him to read now?please be pleasure to help me understand how to teach him through flash card…nice to know you all guys .

Hi Plutot,

First of all congrats on your baby, and welcome to the forum! Yes! You can can start teaching your baby now :wink:

  • The best way to start for a 2 month is by communicating with him A LOT, you can check the wonderful things a forum member is doing with his son here:

  • You can also download the infant stimulation cards here:

  • You may start using LR, LM, LMs whenever you think he’s ready, i.e: can focus on something for 5 min or more. This usually happens anytime between 3 or 4 months. You may download the free trials to get yourself familiar with.

  • Keep reading this forum, it will be your best companion in your teaching journey isA.

I hope this helps

Oh! I just saw your poll now. I do not recommend showing him both languages at the same time, nor alternating them weekly (I think it’s too long and things may not be optimally memorized). In my opinion, try to show him a language in the morning and a language in the afternoon or alternate them daily. I’ve been doing this with my son and it has been working for us so far. Also, don’t forget to SPEAK to him in that language and talk about the flashcards you saw that day, this is extremely important and I can’t recommend it highly enough.

my son actually can focus on seeing words i’ve shown to him more than 5 minutes…is it means that i dont need infant stimulation card again?

btw…what is LR, LM??iam absolutely have no idea about this…

If your son can focus, then go ahead!

LR= Little Reader
LM= Little Math
LMs= Little Musician

These software packages work like flashcards, but the infant stimulation cards are different, they are NOT to be flashed: you just put them next to his play mat or crib so he gets the chance to look at/ focus on them for an extended time. It is also very important to lay him down on his tummy and put a stimulation card in front of him. This will help him lift his head and thus get a good exercise for his neck muscle. It is also a good incentive for him to try to move toward it and eventually crawl. I recommend that you use these cards as well.

i thougth that infant stimulation card is used just in the beginning before we go to the flash card (words)…and how many times a day showing him flash card ? how many word in every session it should be?some say just 5 words?or perhaps they mean 5 categories with 5 words each…?

about lay him down on his tummy …is it ok for 2 month old baby??in my little town this is unusual to do this to baby until he lift his head by himself so iam kinda worry about this…

last question …i;ve ever read an article that making flash card should be in red color first then when the baby fell comfort with the flash card game then we change it with black?why is that?is it ok if in the first i use black color?

Showing flashcards to your baby doesn’t mean you should stop exposing him to the infant stimulation cards. It’s like studying math and biology, one doesn’t exclude the other :slight_smile:

Regarding how many words and which font color etc., LR is a software that takes care of all that and more. There are ready-made lessons so you just click on play and let your baby watch it.

I understand your concern about putting your baby on his tummy. There are actually different schools of thoughts. Leaving a baby in this position UNATTENDED may increase the risk of SIDS. However, if you keep an eye on your baby while he is on his tummy would help him develop his gross motor and cognitive skills (according to Glenn Doman). To find out more, you can read this book, or search for threads about it on this forum:

Here is an article on Brillbaby explaing it:

BTW, I would recommend reading the Brillbaby articles, they are a good introduction to early learning and will help you make the best choices for you and your baby. Just click on the yellow tab on top of this page :wink:

thank you so much for the help :slight_smile:

You’re very welcome! Happy teaching :slight_smile: