Mom from Malaysia

hello people…i’m ninE from malaysia…
i am a mother of almost 3 years old son but he still couldn’t speak properly eventhough he understood my direction to him…

Hi Nine!

Glad to have in here! :-*

Sorry to hear about that - but not to worry - all children grow and develop at different rates, and sometimes early speech difficulty won’t hamper his progress later on in life! :yes: One great example of that is Albert Einsten - ol’ Einstein had early speech difficulty too and look at how he turned out - REALLY SMART! :educated:

I hope that our free downloads and software can help you with teaching your little one how to read, and I look forward to reading you recount your experience in the forums!



My son does not pronounce words properly…I read somewhere to repeat the word the way THEY said it then say it the way it is supposed to be pronounced.

Also, just learning how to move the lips, tongue and jaw can be quite a task…practice by having your little one mimick silly sounds…build on what they do know and add more sounds a little at a time…

Ok…one more thing…if you are too concerned, have you had a professional look into the child’s ears? I had one ear canal smaller than another when I was a wee one. But most of all DONT stress about it… enjoy the time you are able to be together.

Oh…one more thought is to record your little one babble and “talking” then let them listen to themself…THAT might be a great teaching tool too.

See you on the boards… Deneen