mom and child bonding activity

Please suggest any kind of a mom and child bonding activity?

i have a hard time understanding my 3 1/2 year old daughter who seems very hyper-active and have a mind of her own… i want to relate to her imagination so i can manage her well… most of the time i easily lost my patience… grrrr…

my son is hyper active as well, what i normally do is, i join him with whatever he is doing, i.e. if he is pulling his cars, i pick up one and tries to push and pull the car along with him, it catches his attention and plays with me. if he is under the table which almost most of the times, i will shout “where is my baby…i can’t find my baby"then he will peek and giggles then i know he wants me to continue looking for him.tiring yes but its fun. i also got my son picture books which we often open together, i let him turn the pages, as he make his babbling sounds, i just agree, like” yes its a dog, very good!" or u can start it by making sounds, making faces or hiding under the quilt and peeking so that she will see you and play with you hide and seek or peek -a -bo.
bath time is our best bonding time, we sing and splash water to each other which makes it more fun and enjoyable. (oh yes, i usually get into the tub as well).

have you tried giving your child some crayons and papers or colouring books, its a very nice bonding opportunity with ur child plus you will be able to calm her for a while. there non - toxic crayons available. aside from making her calm for the moment, it will sharpen her sense of creativity.water colors are more fun to use bec the hands gets dirty and children normally likes that.

although, there times when we just need to let them be on their own playing by themselves as their imagination grows in this way.

They do have minds of their own don’t they - and its a good thing else they’d just be replicas of us which would be boring, but it does make parenting tough!

There are loads of things you can do with your child. Take your own personality into account too - if you can’t stand a mess then its best not to try baking cookies as a bonding activity unless you are really in the mood and quite happy for the mess!

Active things you can do:

Try dancing with her to music (just make up the moves - she won’t mind) At 3,5 years old you could even try teaching her a dance sequence but keep it very simple.

Helping her on the equipment in a playground is always great - push her on a swing, help her on the see-saw etc (uses up lots of energy)

Teach her to do forward rolls or backward rolls and depending how agile she is
even more advanced gymnastic moves (make sure you know how to hold her to keep her safe and confident when teaching) - a mattress on the floor at home is about the only equipment you need. If you can get hold of a balance beam (even a plank of wood on some stable support works) then walking on it is also a great activity

For imagination ask her what she is playing at and ask if you can join in and what character you can be. Get her to share her ideas with you and although your input would be appreciated, most of it needs to come from her.

Go for a walk where (within safety issues) she can choose what she looks at and stops to examine - ie don’t have a destination in mind you are just going for a walk and it doesn’t matter if you only walk 3m!

Calmer activities

Jsmonton gave you a lot of good ideas here.
Definitely reading stories (I’d have it as part of the bedtime routine at the least)

Perhaps ask her to tell you her favourite part of the day before bed and you tell her what she liked (this type of two way communication is always good) Its also best to get her to tell you her least favourite part of the day too as this helps to sort out trouble later (children find it hard to express what the problem is often so if she gets practice everyday with you helping her remember it will make your life easier too)

Baking cookies together.

Threading pasta onto strings and even eating it.

Try to show interest in whatever activities she is doing, let her feel you’re proud of her achievements by praising her, … It helped me a lot with one of my daughters.

Well said… i got a great smile on my face…thanks for taking time replying to my topic…I grow each time i receive advices from mothers like me… i appreciate this much… thanks again… :happy: