'Modern Family' kid is actually a genius

‘Modern Family’ kid is actually a genius
Nolan Gould may play a dim-witted boy on TV, but in real life he graduated from high school at age 13.

What a great kid! Hope my kids turn out that well! Love the confidence, the personality, the enthusiasm for life and his casualness!

I so enjoyed this, thanks!

What fascinates me more, though, are people’s comments. Check out the ones about ‘all child stars’ graduating years before ‘regular’ kids because they are put into accelerated academic programs. Yet more proof that if you throw enough money at the issue, most kids will accelerate and that our public school is failing our society (as if you didn’t already know this). Also, note how they say that it’s because of his tutors, not because of his natural abilities, which i believe most kids have if started early enough. The other neat one was the conversation about Mensa, which someone claims he belongs to (like brooke shields & tot genius http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/mensa-kid-proves-even-a-genius-tot-is-still-a-tot/60heqf0?q=brooke%20shields&cpkey=4ab6bfc7f521d61e0ab24ab6bfc7f521d61e0ab2-4579835869659379|brooke+shields||| [who i feel bad for because she clearly states early on that she has to go to the bathroom and they keep rolling the camera, oblivious to her request]). And of course, there’s this comment, which represents a sad reality of thought from many, I’d guess:

“Janice 17 minutes ago
Being a genuis doesn’t impress me…I have seen to many genuis burn out or with a lot of phobias…Let us not talk about those who kill to prove how smart they are or kill people by mail,or in a movie theater, or those like Bundy who had a high IQ…I will wait to see if he grows up to be a Man who respect others as well as himself…and that means respecting those who are not genuis…right now I will just praise his acting skills…”

Cute interview - thanks for sharing!