Minimum methods for maximum of benefit?

Hi everyone,

I’ve been through the forum and the net looking for curricula for my expected baby boy. It’s definitely overwhelming because there is a large variety of methods, I feel a little bit lost now, would anyone tell me what he/she thinks about these methods I am willing to use and if I am missing anything important?

  • PRENATAL: Baby plus: I am currently using it. (and the guidelines in the brillbaby website)
  • PARENTS/CHILD RELATIONSHIP: I am interested in Dr. Sears Attachment parenting concept.
  • EARLY EDUCATION: LR&LM: definitely! I couldn’t find a better program for "very"early learning!
  • LANGUAGES: OPOL: as a multilingual method (starting with 3 languages for the first 3 years as we master 6 languages at home, we can add others the following years)

Thx for your comments!

Prenatal - We did not use any program. I listened to a lot of classical music. just because I like it. I specifically read to the baby in utero. His favourite stories are ones he heard before birth. He also enjoys Beethoven’s 3rd symphony, which is my favourite, and I saw played live around 32 weeks.

Parent/Child relationship - I’m quite a big supporter of attachment parenting. We are co-sleepers, I wear him in a sling (when he isn’t on the floor), I breastfeed, etc. There are lots of studies linking attachment with infant well-being.

Early Education - We have been doing the program from “How Smart is Your Baby” and will/may be starting LR and LM soon. (Pending spousal approval) But will continue with paper flashcards as well.

I do not have an opinion on Montessori.

Languages - We do ASL everyday. Spanish on Mondays, English Tuesdays, French on Wednesdays, German on Thursdays, Mandarin (Chinese) on Fridays, Russian on Saturdays, and Japanese on Sundays. We seek out interaction with native speakers and my husband and I speak those languages exclusively on those days. We aren’t sure if we’re going to keep it up like this though. Ultimately we would like Zed to learn 10 different languages, the above 7 and Arabic, Hindi, and Latin. We haven’t decided the best way to teach them all. I am fluent in 4 of the 10 and my husband in 3 (only English overlaps) however we are both learning along with our son for the other 4. It seems to be working. He recognizes bathroom in all 7 spoken languages and will sign it (unfortunately not to tell us he needs to go, only after, or if someone leaves the room he wants to know if that’s where they’ve gone)

I know many people who have had success with OPOL for other languages, the only concern is your child may think that all women speak one language, and all men the other. Which is easily corrected (and adorable in my opinion)

Because this doesn’t leave me busy enough I also do IPT/EC, music classes, and work from home.

Your plan looks pretty good to me. Enjoy him when he arrives, they grow so fast.

Yes, :frowning: :frowning: they really grow too fast but every step brings its joys.

What do you mean by co-sleepers. Is it that he sleeps in your room. Until what age do you plan this. I though it was better for him to get use to HIS room?
Can you mention some studies on linking attachment with infant well-being?

Oh how I envy you. I learn English at school, then Protuguese (my father grew up to 1o yrs old in Brazil but i did not know my grandma), Latin 2 yrs at High School, 2 yrs of French which I would like to continue, and finally at college age i started German for 6 month but get in love, started dating my one and only husband and had to quit languages learnig. lol lol
I am afraid that unconsicouly (or consiously) i want my grandson to have that opportunity of learning the most he can. I bought Muzzy that comes Spanish, Englich, French, German and Italian. He usually asks for ‘Español’ but also wathce English ’ FOR grandma’. My daughter speaks an read Winni Pooh books he bought for him in French. he has been listening French Children Music since 12 month old. Well we do what we can. But I cound not imageine all the languages you are giving ZED. Excellent for you.
Where are you located?

Promise this is the last question.
What is IPT/EC?

I know this is kind of off topic because you are asking for advice on these programs. But I feel every little bit you do is extremely beneficial. Do whatever feels right. If you start a program and you or the baby are not into it and not having fun together then stop! You can always go back later and try again after a few months if you wish. Just take your baby’s cues and never push anything. Make every experienc a happy one. GL with all. And congrats on the baby, Mama!!

IPT is infant potty training, EC is elimination communication. They’re basically the same thing, training an infant to communicate the need to use the washroom and then taking them to the toilet rather than have them using a diaper.

The language program is intensive. I think we (my husband and I, not Zed) may suffer some burnout trying to keep it up. We’re in Canada, just outside a large city. There are lots of people who speak all those languages, and TV is available in French as well as English.

By co-sleeping I mean bed-sharing. I put Zed to bed in his room on a futon on the floor, and stay up until it’s adult bedtime. By then Zed has woken up, so I nurse him in his bed, and fall asleep there for a few hours. Some nights I move into bed with my husband and other nights I don’t. It all depends on how much attention Zed needs that night.

I posted a long list of links here most articles on those sites list references. Off the top of my head I can’t link you to any of those studies, but they are popular enough that the Canadian, American, and British governments all frequently quote those studies in their literature to new parents.

I had the same impression when I was a kid, my mom was talking to me in Arabic and French and my dad in Arabic only (although he masters French very well), I thought only women speak French :slight_smile: It was funny but really OK, it didn’t cause any problem :wink:

Thank you everybody, I will start this program and see how it goes.
The idea of IPT/EC looks interesting, I’ll read more about it and see if I can include it in my program.

Hey carpe vestri vita,

To know more about Montessori, I attached a file to this post. You can also watch these videos on brillkids:;id=1742;showway=1;id=1752;id=1786

There are many topics discussing this method on the forum too.

Take care!

Thanks carpe vestri vita and congratulations for your good work with your baby. I don’t know how you and your husband can accomplish all that.