Mind Mapping

This is just to share with you people that Tony Buzan in his one of the book has explained Mind Mapping in very beautiful way. He ask parents to play game with your child in which you have to draw the map of your bedroom or way to grocery shop for ex write BEDROOM and than connect bedroom by drawing lines with each and everything that is there in your bedroom as wardrobe,bed,etc.He says that by drawing mind mapping to child your will help him to relate things.And it will help him to use his whole brain.Mind mapping is long lasting memory.This will also help your child when he is in the school and college.By mind mapping it is easy to remember things.
You can check out following is the example of the same


Yep, Tony Buzan is quite an authority on this subject. He also wrote a book called Brain Child, which I bought some time ago but still haven’t read! :rolleyes:

It’s more for slightly older children though, I THINK, so I was going to read it later, but I think now might be the right time. Thanks for the reminder!

Yeah Tony Buzan is the world-renowned inventor of Mind Maps! He is truly someone to reckon with :slight_smile:

I read an extract from the book Brain Child that says, “Teach them to Mind Map as soon as they can hold a pen. Mind Maps allow their brains to see known images (‘a picture is worth a thousand words’) and their associations and interrelationships without the ‘interference’ of grammar and semantics. The Mind Map has been called ‘ the Swiss army knife for the brain’ and for the young child is a wonderful tool to allow her to ‘open up’ and explore the realms of memory, learning, creative thinking, analysis, preparation for school work, review and self-expression.”

Research shows that the time and energy you dedicate to your child in the first five years pays off dividends for the next ten.

So planting the seeds of learning early on to our children in a loving way will surely reap a harvest in the coming years.

Let’s enjoy teaching and playing with our children :slight_smile:

Where can I learn more information about this. Any books to rec?

Yeah u can read BRAIN CHILD,MIND MAPPING,SPEED READING,MIN MAPPING FOR KIDS etc.Or you can go to his site.All of them are very useful.

Here’s a link to Brain Child:

Is this a different kind of min mapping than what adults do to improve memory?

Dear KL you wrote before :

Yep, Tony Buzan is quite an authority on this subject. He also wrote a book called Brain Child, which I bought some time ago but still haven’t read!

It’s more for slightly older children though, I THINK, so I was going to read it later, but I think now might be the right time. Thanks for the reminder!

Have you had the chance to read this book- would that be appropiate for us having a 4.5 year old?

I have 4 or 5 titles from tony buzan, my favorite is make the best of your mind - fabulos book, but not too specific for kids.

I also purchased mind maps for kids but I felt it was too advance for my daughter - well that was last year maybe I should re-visit that book, but the fact that someone mention kids should start mind maps as soon as they can hold a pen … well i like the idea but I need more information, could you help?

Thanks a lot


Thanks for the post, I don’t believe I have heard of mind mapping before, but I will definitely be looking into it now!!

Eeek… :dry: :blush:

Um… I’ll read it soon, I promise!! But taking a quick look at the Amazon review (see link i posted before), it seems like it would be very appropriate for young children, including under 5.

Here’s the Amazon review:
As any book by Tony Buzan, it starts with the description of brain, and how large is the possible number of “thought tracks” (learned information, habits or memories), and that is number is so great that writing it would take a line of figures, in normal characters, more than 1.5 million kilometers long. The author proclaims that the brain is by far the most important organ in the baby’s body, explains the functions of left and right brains, and enumerate the intelligences: verbal, numerical/logical, engineering/spatial, sensual, body/kinaesthetic, creative, personal, social and spiritual. The writer explains the importance of these intelligences in the baby’s life, and helps the parents to develop them: each section ends with “Things For You To Do” list of practical advices for parents.

Great attention is also paid to the importance of physical development, as it is also important for the growth of the brain in the first two years of the child’s growth, as well as to the good nutrition. "When we think of food, we traditionally think only of standard nutrition. Good standard nutrition is, though, only of four necessary brain foods. Each of these brain food is equally important and is totally necessary for your baby to survive, without any one of them he will die. They are Oxygen, Nutrition, Love and Information (ONLI).

Tony Buzan in this book didn’t forget to reiterate his favourite techniques like Mind Maps, TEFCAS and Radian Thinking.

This book is somewhat based on works by Glenn Doman (“Teach your baby math”), Betty Edwards (“The new drawings on the right side of the brain”), Howard Gardner (“Multiple Intelligences”), Glenn Wilson (“Improve Your IQ”). I recommend reading this books as well.

Although in some places I’ve found this book a little bit dull, it is definitely worth attention! [/i]


I just bought it will post my review when I am done.




yay, so i don’t have to read it then! :laugh:

Hey hey hey… you dont get out the hook so easily :clown:

Tony Buzan’s methods work very well - the only “problem” is that it takes a fair bit of effort to mind map / practice speed reading / use memory techniques (which include the peg system and silly story). I can only assume with practice it gets easier and easier - something I have not personally done.

Children will find mind mapping fun - as it requires you to use your imagination to a small extent and artistic capabilities - but perhaps when they are over 5 …

I hope my son will find mind mapping fun, it can help him to create some structure of thinking,

I remember using the same method of learning during my examinations, I would map and link each topic in the book to another and remember the whole book in a wholistic approach.
I remember when i use to do a crash course before my exams even our teachers followed the same approach, and it did help me to remember what we studied, even now i remember it after 6-10 years.

Thanks for sharing guys. I don’t know this before. It is really hard to memorize and remember things.
How I wish I knew this when I was in college.
I will definitely introduce this to my son.