
I am also interested. But my child is 1.5 years.


Deep Breathing Exercises
One of the first things we have to teach is deep breathing. Here are three exercises I collected. Not sure how you can adapt them to the age of your child.
Please let me know if you have a simpler version.
The exercises are in the new website I am bulding for the purpose:



I really enjoyed the detail you put into the breathing exercises. I can’t imagine doing just this for 1.5 hrs, but I can see how this can be a first step that we can manage with our little ones. I’m quite curious to know what comes next :wink: Looking forward to the update.

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the feedback.queriquita, much appreciated.

The breathing exercises should not be longer than 15 minutes at most !! :slight_smile:

Please tell me how you would modify
Which ones would be most effective,

I had a chance to read throu your whole site tonight. Great work. The breathing excersizes are very detailed and would be very easy to adapt for young children. My three could manage it, but I think if Jaykob was rubbing his own hands he would get excited and not relax to pay attention to his breathing. So perhaps for younger, excitable children we could warm our own hands to help them. I can see my kids enjoying this.

Hi Ruwan,

My toddler is 23 mos. Can you count me in? :slight_smile:

Hi Ruwan,

I am so excited to see your website :slight_smile:
Thank you so much for this. I have been working on Cayden’s breathing exercises with the help from books. A couple of the names are Planting Seeds and A Boy and A Bear. The progress of his concentration has been slow but it is there.

Hi Ruwan
Thank you for sharing your website - it looks great.
I am a mindfulness practitioner and have been meaning for some time to start finding ways of adapting this for my highly sensitive 3 year old who is greatly in need of some mental strategies for calming her mind. I will try to see if I’m able to adapt some of your breathing techniques for her although I’m not sure she will be able to do more than a few minutes at most. I’ve also been inspired to buy a book called the Mindful Child http://www.amazon.com/The-Mindful-Child-Happier-Compassionate/dp/1416583009/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
So I’ll see how this goes too. I think there will probably be a lot of crossover.

Thanks for the website. Please let us know when you update it.

Hi lzp

Thank you so much for your comments.
We are so fortunate to have some one of your training and background.
Last week end I was fully occucpied with helping a 30 year old lady with Personality Disorder who was asked to go through the DPT program (Dialectical Behavious Therapy). The basis for this program is simply an adaptation of Mindfulness Training.

Another great resource would be the two books by Gay Hendricks and Russel Wills ; 1) the centering book - awareness activities for children, parents and teachers 2) The second centering book - more awareness activities

Hi Mandy
Another page is up - it is about eye exercises


I have completed the preparation exercises and am waiting to hear back from parents before moving on to the Core Techniques

There is a lot of information on Shichida method now

Is the mid-brain you speak of the green, unlabeled part in this video? I was watching it with my kids a couple days ago and thought about this thread. :slight_smile:

Sorry, I am not sure where to access the video


I have a New Year present/ challenge for 10 enthusiastic moms and dads.


TEN enthusiastic Moms and Dads, to proof read, edit, review, apply, critique, and improve the Mid Brain Activation Manual for Parents.


  1. Chance to practice the skill at home and help your children
  2. To develop your child’s ability even if they have already attended the course
  3. Your contributions will be in the acknowledgement in the document

Please send me a PM if interested

I have used a similar method with both my boys 3 and 7, so would love to see yours in action! Please consider me in!!

he i want your home study program at home study…i we active midbrain at home…

kindly guid me … and how mush you are success… ???


contact me on

Note: Edited by a Moderator to remove personally identifying contact information. Please use private messaging to contact each other directly due to safety and privacy reasons. It’s the little white envelope above your username on the upper left hand side of the screen. Thank you!

Hi Ruwan.
I am Past life regression therapist.
i am interested in mid brain activation home study.
have two kids 4 and 6.
please do the needful.

Hi Ruwan.
I have two kids 4 and 6… interested in mid brain activation home study. Could you please do the needful