Methods to enhance MEMORY

The topic of memory enhancement came up in a couple of other threads about other subjects, so I just thought I’d make a topic focused on this, for easier reference in the future.

There are many different methods to help with memory. I understand that 2 types of memory systems are used in Shichida classes, for example, which are memory pegging, and memory linking. Both are used to remember long lists of items.


This is what Wikipedia said about this:

“After visualizing the first item on your list, visualize it associated with the next item, then visualize that item associated with the third, and so on. For example, to remember a list like “apple, fish, lady, star, stop sign, pencil …” imagine an apple. Now you shall link this apple with a fish by visualizing (for instance) an apple tree with fishes instead of apples-you could even imagine a fish falling on Newton’s head or Eve handing Adam a fish. Remember that it should be weird. Next link the fish with lady by visualizing a mermaid. Next item: Visualize a night sky with shining ladies in the sky instead of stars. Link to stop sign by visualizing a falling star landing on the ground-only instead of a star, when you get up close it’s a stop sign, link “stop sign” with “pencil” by imagining a stop sign which is held up not by a metal post, but by a giant pencil.”

Here’s more:


This is a much more commonly used way of memorizing lists.

There seem to be different memory pegging systems. The one thing common in these systems is that, before you do anything else, you must first have memorized a PEG LIST. This is a list of objects or items that you have memorized in order, and which you will later use to associate the new objects with.

One type of simple peg list is based on Rhyme. eg:

  1. Hero
  2. Bun (or Gun)
  3. Shoe
  4. Tree
  5. Door
  6. Hive
  7. Sticks
  8. Heaven
  9. Crate
  10. Vine
  11. Hen

After memorizing the above, if you want to memorize a list of 10 items, you just associate those items with the corresponding object above. Eg., if no. 3 on the list to be memorized is “Picasso”, you might imagine Picasso sitting in a TREE painting a masterpiece.

This method is an example of a “Mnemonic Peg system” (associating numbers with words). See here for more about this:

To have a list larger than just 0-10, here’s another method:


One way of remember huge long lists is using the pegging system in conjunction with the “Mnemonic Major System”. The system works by mapping each digit (from 0-9) to certain consonants. That way, any number can be mapped to one or more words, and vice versa. For example, no. 41 maps to “rose”.

So in the list you are trying to memorize, let’s say item 41 is “piano”. You would simply associate “piano” with “rose” (eg., imagine a rose on a grand piano).

More info:


This is similar to the above, except you first associate numbers with locations, or places/objects along a familiar route. Then you would associate the objects on the list to be memorized with those places/objects.

Chris1 posted these videos on other threads, showing the 2006 world memory champion Andy Bell memorizing the order of 10 decks of cards in 20 minutes, and later explaining how he does it:

Thanks for this info. I know I found some info on it before. I’ll look for more. I’m interested to know who is doing this with their child or if they have tried it as an adult.

It’s interesting!!! Thanks for info

Has anyone used these methods with their child? If so, how are you teaching these?

Well, it’d be great if parents with children enrolled in Shichida classes can chime in, cos I know that memory pegging and memory linking are taught in the classes.

I used these methods to teach the Periodic Table to my children. Example Elements1-10
Peg list based on association 1=pencil 2=bicycle 3=pyramid 4=racing car 5=starfish 6=dice 7=rainbow 8=octopus 9=cat
and 10=Pele etc. Bicycle has two wheels, racing car four etc.

Images used for the first 10 elements- 1 zeppelin for Hydrogen, 2 balloons for Helium, 3 camera(lithium battery) for Lithium, 4 berries for Beryllium (substitute/sound like word), 5 bored starfish for Boron, 6 coal for Carbon, 7 Trojan horse for Nitrogen(substitute word), 8 oxygen mask for Oxygen, 9 floor for Fluorine, 10 neon lights for Neon.

Choose a room and decide on locations to store your linked images-start at a corner and moving clockwise arrange your images in these locations

                              1     2        3

                              8     9         4

                              7      6        5

Starting at a corner of the room we imagined trying to puncture a noisy zeppelin with a very large pencil. Moving clockwise to the door we see a bicycle with balloons attached to the handle bars-hear the bell ring, burst a balloon. Moving clockwise to the next corner we see the pyramids and take a photograph(Lithium batteries). Again moving clockwise-between corners we see a noisy racing car-we climb in to discover that the seat is made of juicy berries-very messy! In the next corner, behind the door, we hear/see a bored starfish yawning. Location 6 we sit on our large dice shaped chair and discover that it is made of coal. Location 7-we see a beautiful rainbow leading to the wet Trojan horse. Location 8 we see an octopus struggling to breath with an oxygen mask. Location 9 we see our cat sleeping on the floor. Next room-again starting in a corner we see Pele with a giant neon 10 sign on his shoulders.

I have added a file containing these images-the file makes no sense in isolation but i am not sure how to attach a link here.

I hope that this has made sense-the process sounds complicated but in practice the elements can be memorized very rapidly using this method.

Hi all,

My son goes to shichida method and yes they preach memory linking. There is no memory pegging method though.

In memory linking they show a set of 10 cards (for 3 year olds) initially followed by a story which links each of the 10 picture cards together. The story doesn’t need to make much sense!! After repeating the process for 3 times, the cards are flipped over and the child is asked randomly to pick out a certain card (non sequential). They say after training this way for a few months a 3 year old’s brain can memorise a max of 50 picture cards.

But my darling boy is very selective in memorising things. He can remember things he likes. Like Ice-cream, cakes, bicycles etc. lol . I guess that’s why teaching has to be made enjoyable for kids for them to absorb what is input to them.


Thanks for sharing. Both memory link and memory pegging are very useful.

Chris1, I noticed you used different pegging system for numbers than your earlier example. I think I should decide on one system and stick with it so the kids don’t get confused. Is there a reason to use pencil vs. bun for one? How do I decide on the best pegging system to use with my kids? Thanks!

Anushyam - I think perhaps they teach pegging in later classes?

Joan - Chris’ system uses association that’s based on concept. If you look at each word, they are related to the number. “Pencil” is chosen cos it looks like “1” (it could be “pen” too, I suppose). The only thing that might not be very obvious is Pele being “10”. I think that’s cos Pele (the famous footballer) wore the shirt no. 10. If you’re British, you might substitute Pele for the Prime Minister (as in “10 Downing Street”), or whatever is easier for your child to remember.

The 1 = bun is based on rhyme.

All these methods can be customized to make it more relevant for your child.

all the greate ideas we could see thought out the forum. thats y i cant leve this brillkid. thanks for sharing this. i love this

Thank you for sharing information on memorizing. I have always done it the hard way but now can teach my children an easier way.

Great technique! i wasn’t familiarized with this one.
I tested on myself and have great result remembering all the items (i’m a very visual person), at university i used to make mind maps for studying with great reults.

i’ll try to develop this further since it’s a a very valuable techinque enhancing memory, for us and our childrens of course.

Dear All,

This is absolutely fascinating stuff! One of my e-teachers located in India, mentioned that he studied mind maps by Tony Buzan. And I have meant to research this further and am happy to be inspired again after reading this thread.

Please enjoy the video below to understand MindMaps:

Maximise the Power of Your Brain - Tony Buzan MIND MAPPING

Buzan World

Happy Memorizing!
Ayesha :slight_smile:

Dear All,

I wanted to also share another link with products for memory and brain enhancement:

I have the Sound Health cd collection and love it!

  • Ayesha

I have this title in digital format:
Learning Maps and Memory Skills (Creating Success)

If someone is interested let me know and i’ll put it online somewhere for you to download.


Dear Sebastian,

Thanks for that. I would be interested in reading it, if you don’t mind. I would appreciate it, since mind mapping is new to me.

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

Hello to all, and thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience; I want to add 3 resources that I found very useful when helping my daughter to develop a great memory; the first one is the silly stories from this software great material plus have many categories flash cards, and follow the dot sections- the 3 componenets are great to enhance the memory in the “Right Brain” way. the second tool I use and like very much as well is which also have several products tailored specially for memory enhancement again the Right Brain way and lastly I agree with people at the forum Mind maps are useful - too early for my daughter though- but is a great concept to have in mind since they will grow so quickly and will be able to use this skill. Tony Buzan is the creator and main writer about mind maps and he wrote this book which can be found in amazon Mind Maps for Kids: Max Your Memory and Concentration (Paperback) by Tony Buzan (Author)

The silly stories or memory linking method is fantastic, they link all the items using silly stories and as they laugh and keep reading - they keep making the connections without even realizing what they do; my daughter has already memorized this way over 100 stories, perfect order and to the dot.

It really is a powerful tool used by Schichida, Right Brain and Buzan ( also if you are interested this book: Make the most of your mind-Tony Buzan great resource for adults and memory)

Hope this helps.
Everyone have a great week


Dear Ayesha, you can download it from here (everyone is invited :biggrin: )

I’ll be taking a look on your recommendatios Gloria, thank you.

Dear Sebastian,

Thanks a million! I can’t wait to read it :).

And I agree that GloriaD has some nice recommendations as well.

Thanks to you both!

Thanks a million Sebastian !! thank God for technology !!!