method of teaching to read and do math.

  1. I have a play room full of posters, washroom ,doors words every where.
  2. I hide words and my daughter to find it it makes it fun. I put two words away and then tell them which one I want. If she does not understand it than I tell her again and I ask her about that word a couple of time.
  3. I put the dvd in the car.
  4. I make posters for example car then I write different parts of the car like roof ,window, wheel.door, seating ,steering wheel etc.
  5. Every day I introduce 10 new vocabulary words> I talk about them in various sentences.
  6. I review them when I take them to the park because they are having fun they will review them very quickly.
    7.I post sticky notes in the car to ask them various questions.
  7. I use the sun visor in the car and stick words on them.
    9.I have painted my kitchen wall with black board paint and that gives them alot of practice to write.
  8. I have made them little book with all the words they have already learn’t.

It makes them happy and my elder daughter helps me teach all of that to my little daughter.
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:

very good tips! thanks

Hi ayana very interesting must be very very busy schedule to keep up too …

didn’t know there is black board paint too … hmm in the 1980s there was a research on chalk and cancer and children and mainly teachers who used to use chalk board and duster to teach, resulting in teachers having lung cancer … and children having asthma etc …

my aunt recently died of lung cancer, she has been teaching for 20+ yrs.

thank u for sharing these wonderful tips
how old are ur kids ?

sorry for that papa
but also its not that good to use board marker
my daughter once try to smell the marker (little addict) so i prefer the old traditional chalk

Hi Kitty Rain,
My older daughter is 5 and younger is 13 months. :slight_smile:
They both love the methods of my teaching. My older daughter is reading at Grade 6 level and math at grade 5 level.
We were thinking to make her skip the grade but than she will be very young.The principle of the school said that she can do high school credits earlier and go to university earlier so I will see.
Thanks :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

My daughter’s papa loves it and he is so so involved himself.His opinion is if we can help them now to save them time latter and make learning soooooo much fun why not!
As parents it’s our duty to do our best so why not! That’s what the papa says
Thanks Kitty Rain for asking We make our time bonding time and life is all about learning! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Great ideas Ayana!

I love the ideas of posting words in the car. Mybe I’ll try that in front of their carseats.


My elder girl is coming 3 yrs old. We realise that her attention span is very short. She’s very interested in books. But the problem is she will only read her books for a little while, then she would run away. If not my younger girl who is only 11 mths will disturb her or sometimes wanted to take whatever is in my hands. How can I make her sit down quitely & listen to us reading a book to her? :frowning: :frowning: If I read to both of them, my elder girl will pretent to be a teacher & wants to read to her sister… Pls advise… My elder girl is currently in full day child care centre…

i’m glad i stumbled upon this post…i’ve been thinking about using chalkboard paint for one of the walls in our children’s play room, lots of activities and learning could be had from that one wall

my son loves our label maker so much – we’ve put labels on the underside of his wooden puzzles, many of his toys & the storage containers that hold all his toys (and those of his sister). we’ve helped our son decide what the label will say, we help him type out the label, he applies the label to the item, now he is surrounded by words, words, words. He loves to read.


great tips ayana. I will give a try. Thanks for sharing.

What kind of label maker do you use?

ayana and every body
iam concerned about skipping grades and how it will affect the personality of the child .unless he or she attend a special school for talatented children.

I saw some library where books were learned by the person standing not seating, this could change the situation and children will be more interested on it. I hope. Or you could use some pupets for storytelling :yes:

thanks for this methods, but also you can use
:clown: :tongue: :clown:

Hi guys!
Sorry I could not reply earlier For (Gloria)
What I ,meant was by grade 5 and 6 level was all the curriculum material that we have in Ontario Canada.
She reads news paper every day, writes journals etc that has helped her a lot .
Skipping grade is something i am not in for my self but what is happening is that she finishes her work that we sent from home also ten other things the teacher gives her so we dont know what to do .I personally want her to go the regular way but they say I have to calm down at home or should home school her any ways please Advise me as well on this
Gloria please let me know if you have any questions sorry about the delay answer .
Thanks a million… :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

HELP!! My little girl will be 5 in May and starting Kindergarden in the fall. I have been using flashcards and every thing I could think of…How do I teach her phonics and how to read??