menstral cycle is it back on tract?

hi guys, i was just wondering if any moms are having the same situation as i am in right now. my period is still not back on tract as it was before i got preggy.
i have read that while breastfeeding, there will be no mentral periods but as soon as the breastfeeding is over, it should resume it cycle back to normal. i have stopped breastfeeding my soon when he was almost 5 months old (not that i did not want to anymore but the milk was just too less at this time). issam is almost 12 months now but my cycle is still irregular.
i have checked with my ob-gyne even had a vaginial ultrasound, thank God there is nothing found, she said that it should be back to its being regular, my body is still adjusting.
its just worrying since you will not be able to tell if u are pregnant again or or just irregular! :unsure:
has anyone of you gone through this stage?what did you do about it?

Are you trying to get pregnant again? After 6 weeks of my son’s birth I started back on Birth Control. This made me regular again. I suggest to do this if you are not trying to get pregnant again. They will help you get back on track.

we r not planning to have another baby till issam is much older say like 3 yrs old, my hubby n i are totally against birth control pills. since now that i have become irregular we can’t take the chance.

I am still breastfeeding so can’t really answer your question - I have cycled since having my daughter but they are very irregular still and my daughter is 17 months old. I am hoping once the breastfeeding stops that things will become regular again.

It is very hard to monitor cycles when they are irregular. If you have had all the checks you could try natural monitoring (taking your temperature) but this is not very reliable either as you only know after you have ovulated. Can you use other forms of contraceptive besides the pill or are you against these too - have you ever thought about intra-uterine devices or else just use condoms.

we are actually on condoms.i just want my cycle to return to its normal /regular phase since its really very unpleasant feeling being on the edge that the period might come unexpectedly, i hope u understand what i mean. :wacko:

I know what you mean! I am still nursing my almost 7 month old I my mom never really nursed so she thought I was pregnant when she found out I wasn’t having my regular “visits” from my “Aunt Flow”. I hated not knowing when I was going to start! Talk about reliving middle school! But I just got mine Saturday. I looked something up on wikipedia for you.

“Return of menstruation following childbirth varies widely among individuals. The closer a woman’s behavior is to the Seven Standards of ecological breastfeeding, the later (on average) her cycles will return. Average return of menses for women following all seven criteria is 14 months after childbirth, with some reports being as soon as 2 months while others are as late as 42 months.”

My cycles returned 6 weeks after giving birth, then i didn’t have another period for 6 weeks. Once Sophia was 3 months old my supply dropped off and i stopped breast feeding. After that my cycle returned to every 28-30 days and his relatively heavy.

I have thought about going on the pill but decided against it like you. If your periods are not regular ask your ob-gyn for a hormone check which cn be done by taking some blood. If the results come back in the normal range keep persisiting with your dr and don’t give up until the cause is found. Sometimes being over weight or under weight can cause irregular periods in some women. Also check if you have any stresses in your life that can be causing irregular periods.

Do you know if you are ovulating? You can check by taking your temp every day for a month or you can buy stuff from the chemist that can measure when you are ovulating as well. If you are ovulating that is a good sign it shows that the hormones are working. How are you feeling physically and emotionally? How you are feeling are also good indicators as to where your hormones are at? Keep looking and persisting with your dr. You are the champion of your body!!!

thanks for the link, i guess i just have to wait another 2 months before it becomes regular again!(hopefully)but not 42 months! :wacko: karma to u!

good for you that your period has resume regularity immediately!i have done a transvaginal scan already, results are fine and did a hormone count as well, i know i am ovulating as well. with regards to stress, well i don’t have any major stress as such which may cause for the irregularity of my cycle, but thanks for asking anyways, i guess, it should come to its regular phase soon, i hope so!

ya it takes time. at first i too was worried and did pregnancy test too. i get period 8 months after birth and not regular. when i talk about the meter with the doctor , she told me that it would be because im breastfeeding. still im Brest feeding but now it get regular