MEMORY LINKING STORY LINE FOR (schichida) 51- 100 to makch with pictures

Memory Linking Storyline from 51 to 100

Seq. Storyline Picture
51 …that rings out bubbles into the air Bubbles
52 …which are popped by a bicycle Bicycle
53 …ridden by a bird Bird
54 …drinking tea A cup of tea
55 “Don’t drink that tea!” cried a bossy dolphin Dolphin
56 …as he wrote on his clipboard Clipboard
57 …then used it as a hammer Hammer
58 …to break up his chili pepper sandwich. Chili
59 The chili was so hot it steamed up his glasses Glasses
60 …and they shattered into diamond Diamond
61 The diamonds formed a hoop Circle
62 …that hopped into a passing car Car
63 …driven by a gold watch Watch
64 …perched atop a tricycle Tricycle
65 …so that he could see a rocking horse Rocking horse
66 …wearing red lipstick Lipstick
67 …that was made in a manson. Mansion
68 Number 3’s were coming out of the chimney A number 3
69 …so I put them into my umbrella Umbrella
70 …and stirred them with a cassette tape Cassette tape
71 …whose song made a nearby cane dance Cane
72 …into a tepee Tepee
73 …where a saw lay Saw
74 …on top of a light bulb Light bulb
75 …that was safety pinned Safety pin
76 …to a toothbrush. Toothbrush
77 The toothbrush was decorated with a leaf Leaf
78 …that dropped out of a bag Bag
79 …which floated through the air with a hot air balloon Hot air balloon
80 …made out of a silk shirt. Shirt
81 A camera was stuck in the shrit sleeve Camera
82 …until a ballerina pulled it out Ballerina
83 …and put it on her computer. Computer
84 On the computer screen was a slippery trout Trout
85 that flipped when he heard a violin Violin
86 …played by a butterfly Butterfly
87 …perched on a Christmas tree Christmas tree
88 …decorated with letters. A letter
89 The letters were about a sad little hotdog Hotdog bun
90 …who jumped into a toaster Toaster
91 …to escape from a lobster Lobster
92 …who was talking on a telephone Telephone
93 …to his friend rhinoceros Rhinoceros
94 …who was a captain of a nearby ship Ship
95 …that sailed in an artist’s paint palette. Paint palette
96 The paint splashed into a baby carriage Baby carriage
97 …where a guitar was taking a nap Guitar
98 …before watching a ferris wheel Ferris wheel
99 …spin a ruler into the air Ruler
100 …which sneezed and blew a feather to the ground. Feather

This is the same script as Right Brain memory linking … …



Hi Mandi

This sounds fun! Is there a Memory linking story line for 1-50?

Hey Gloria… just had the info on my computer from a while back sorry I cant remember where it is from… I wish I knew the website… or parent that gave it to me… thats all i have. Maybe someone else know the first half. But hopefully this helps some parents learn how to do it. I was greatfeul that I had it… although I didnt know what it was for until LR

how does this help it seems like it would be easier to remember the numbers

I think you are meant to memorize order of the cards, not numbers?
My kids play “silly story” game: we shuffle the cards, put them out as I tell a similar to the above story, take a picture(to check at the end), mix the cards up and kids put them back together by remembering our story line.
Or is the number permanently assigned to a card?

Does anyone have the 1-50 storyline? And I was wondering what the point was with trying to remeber the sequence as just remembering the numbers sounded easier. Thanks Nikolett for clearing that up. So if you saw a picture of a dolphin, the child says… that’s number 55 in the sequence. Or you could have the words, so they have to read that it’s “dolphin” and then identify what number it was in the sequence. Is that what you mean? Where would we get the pictures to go with the numbers? Cut things out of magazines? Or is there a website that has those pictures? Is the sequence from right Brain Kids?

Actually I’m assuming the point is not teaching numbers in order, but having a child remember an entire story, in order. Just remembering the words in order is great in itself, but remembering the story is even greater a feat. It’s to help remember lists, by making up a story to link the words together, as memory training people teach.

Hello everyone

I will post the story line - I got it from a Shichida parents forum last year - will be posted under stories - the title will be stories - it is a excel sheet. I have not used myself as I found it hard to present… in excel …??

NOTE: if you have the posibility to get the Right Brain memory linking game from ($24) it will work much better for you and as I mentioned in another thread it will provide you a break from the computer training; the right brain materials contains exactly the same story but in print. I personally love it, we are currently working on it.

It comes not only with the story but with audio to be played at night time and with 20 small cards to get you started after you use the first 20 cards your child gets the idea of what the game is all about and you wont need the little cards anymore then you move to the booklet and continue from there. It is really worth it. 300 pictures and stories.

The idea of the memory linking game is not to remember the numbers (which is impresive anyway) nor the story but to learn how remember a set of pictures in order at great speed.

At the begining you will need the story to tie the pictures in your brain - one step forward is to remember all the pictures all of them 300 in the precise order without the help of the story.

another great resource for this kind of excersice is the memory magic from (we did this one first for 100 stories now working on 300 stories with the Rbrain product)

hope this helps.


ps : I tried to post the file here but it is too big … will try to upload it in the stories section. PM if you dont see it or can not get it from here.

Hi gloria,
Im new into this community-i find this thread very interesting. Could u pls help direct me towhere i cud download this story? Im unable to track it.

Pls send me a peronal message with your email address I can not upload the excell file here, there is no option for spreadsheets - or I didnt find it. the file has not only the story but the pictures as well.

Welcome to the Forum we are here to help you in any way we can


Excellent job!i really love this site.
Please send me a copy of the spreedsheet for memory linking.

Dear sashimani, I need you to personal mail me with your email so I can email you directly - I am not able to post it here. Too big because of the pictures.



I have Linking Memory storyline 1-300. Uploaded here:

Wouldn’t it be much easier/better if the story lines make more sense?

When we play this with children I show them just the pictures and they have to make up a story. Each child has to repeat what was previosly said + add something new to the story with a new picture.

Is this the same or completely different excercise??