Mealtimes- Just Eating or Learning too?

Just curious what other people do. For us, in the morning we sit on the bed and read books the very first thing upon waking. Then I make breakfast, roll back the rug, bring the high chairs into the living room, and feed the kids while they watch their LM/LR and then YBCR during mealtime. We have the laptop hooked up to the TV so the visibility is good from the height of their high chairs.

Since it’s just myself and the two kids, I don’t worry so much about family bonding at breakfast. At dinner, we always sit down for a meal as a family with no tv, flashcards, etc when my husband is home.

Occasionally I will flash during lunch or let them watch a dvd if they want, but that is pretty rare. I don’t want them to associate every meal with a dvd or flashcards, I do want to build good habits outside of early learning. It’s nice to have them as a captive audience in their high chairs though!

Do you combine mealtimes with learning opportunities? What has worked best for you?

My son is not a great eater and takes about an hour to eat each meal (!) so we do use the time for learning. Mostly reading books (in English and Arabic) and sometimes I use a whiteboard and write words on it for him.

I have tried mealtimes without any “distractions” but they inevitably last twice as long and we don’t get anything done.

Breakfast - nothing (Just the two of us) I may try to sing some of his learning songs as review (we have a map and the alphabet posted near his little table.

Lunch - music discussion, although he usually only wants Vivaldi! sometimes I try flashcards…depending on the mood (just the two of us)

Dinner - while Daddy clears the table (big smiles from Mamma), and he is enjoying some fruit or other dessert, I show my son flashcards…then immediately following we move to the living room for a Tweedlewink lesson

I try to just spend meal times talking to my kids. I add in some learning in the forms of questions like “what can we rhyme with pear?” if we are eating pears for example. Or, “what colors do you see on your plate?” Mostly, I just like to work on communication skills at this time rather than lots of structured learning.

I have started using LR time as meal time.

He is a poor eater, and when he is glued to learning LR, then he eats easily…

For some reason I’d never thought of using LR at breakfast - but after reading this thread i gave it a try and it worked really well - thanks everyone!
It’s a great way to stop my daughter grabbing at the keys of my laptop - she can’t reach from the highchair! Plus she seems quite focussed - perhaps because there are fewer distractions than in other rooms.
Think this may become a habit - which is also good, because we haven’t really established a routine yet and this might just help.
Thanks again :slight_smile:

Glad to hear that a new idea worked out well for you! That’s what it’s all about, right?

We only do stuff at snack and lunch. During snack I read a book and over lunch we watch YCCR.
Side note Kizudo: my son only wants Vivaldi too.
Most of our learning comes between the time my daycare babies go home 5:15 till my hubby gets home around 6:30. And at bedtime I take advantage of the fact he wants to stay awake and read a bunch of books he won’t normally sit for.

ways of doing things vary from time to time and sometimes it depends on your kids age.
From 18 month to 2.5 years he normally ate before us so I use lunch time to play some DVD (mostly educational) or show some flashcards. After 2.5 yrs up to now 3.5 yrs he normally eats lunch with his father (when he can make it from work) or with us (the grandparents) and my mother in law (his great grand mother) so now we are forbidden to watch DVD.

I think it is a good idea because it gives as an opportunitiy of sharing how our day was (he comes at 1 pm from preschool) or as dadsrock do, we ask simple questions or play with words.

Now dinner he eats alone so that is the time we try to do some learning.

My girl likes a long meal with a lot of conversation, like the french. She enjoys talking and making up stories. :slight_smile:
I used to do some flashing at lunch, and would get more in if I did, but now I just try to get her to concentrate on the meal.
She loved it when we flashed, she would rather learn than do anything. However, she is very active, tall and thin. I call her my little beanpole.
So i put everything aside hoping she will eat more.
Now I just have to tell her," Less talking, more eating." Before, I felt Iike I was contributing to the problem.

For us, it’s the opposite. My DD will sit and watch YBCr during breakfast and leisurely take her time and eat more. Before, she would pick at her plate and declare/sign “ALL DONE!” and want to get down really soon. Now, she is actually eating a better breakfast (all good things like fruit, whole wheat bread, yogurt) since doing her “training” as I call it during mealtime.