Mealtime antics - suddenly refusing certain foods

OK. So my 9 month old daughter, who normally eats very well, has suddenly become very fussy at breakfast time. She’s fine at other mealtimes but it is refusing her weetabix (literally spitting it out). If I give in, she’ll happily eat a youghurt/fruit but I would rather she had something wholsesome. I tried letting her sit it out this morning - didn’t offer her any alternatives, and she just fell asleep in her highchair! Breakfast needs to be a fairly quick affair for me as we go out most mornings so I don’t really want a long drawn out process but I would prefer it if she ate what I gave her! Any suggestions?

It’s a normal occurrence. It may happen again when she is older too. Babies sometimes get picky for one reason or another. Why not just give her breast milk/formula instead? A 9 month old doesn’t have to have solids; but she does need to eat something. She may have a sore mouth or just not want solids right now. You can try again tomorrow or the next day.

Don’t push her, if she doesn’t want weetabix just try something else. Did you try to give her regular baby cereal (rice, oatmeal or mixed)? My DD was eating this for quite some time, and you can add a friut or vegetable puree in it, or a grated yolk. Baby’s taste changes and one day they refuse the food they were happy to eat before. Just switch to something else and in a couple of weeks try weetabix again.

Thanks for the advice - I’ll try something else tomorrow and see how it goes!

Hi km276

Like everyone said it’s completely normal. Just one thing, you mentioned that you preferred her to eat weetabix when she would happily eat fruit and yoghurt but weetabix was more wholesome. Yoghurt and fruit is actually a better nutritional option than weetabix so if that’s what she wants it is a very good option for her and you don’t need to worry.

My son is going through a phase where he will only eat yellow food, (i think it was the mac and cheese that got him started) so I went out to the grocery store and bought him everything i could find that was yellow and healthy and when i got home he was eating broccoli, i guess it was a short phase.