i’d like to know from you how do you wind down or do you wind down.
me time is important for us mums because a happy mom equals happy child and our children want us to be happy.
we have to take care of ourselves. i usually rent a funny movie and watch it when my son is asleep. i also make a 4 o clock cup of coffee or tea a must. i also make sure i take my vitamins and eat well.
would like some new ideas on how to relax though
I love to read. But can only really do it when every one is asleep, otherwise I am constantly interupted. :rolleyes:
I also feel really good when I excersise, but haven’t been able to bring myself to a great schedule going yet. Jacob doesn’t sleep well and I’m soooo tired in the mornings. Sometimes I’ll plop him in the stroller and go for a walk.
With four young kiddos it’s hard to find exclusive “me time”
I love to read but rarely have the time there is always soo much to do. I’d also liket o start excercising but Blaise would not like to enteratain himself while I did so. Hmm…maybe I could turn on a movie for him. How do you guys free up time for yourself?
While Koen is asleep I catch up on the Sunday newspaper or sit out the back and play with the dog. Of course there are always the jobs that have to be done around the house, but they aren’t going anywhere
I go to my local MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group twice a month. The moms eat great food and play games and do craft projects while the kids also eat and play in the gym and are cared for by teachers. It’s great for my soul!!