MathStart books in Spanish!

I’ve come across an amazing find…Stuart J Murphy has Mathstart books in Spanish too! I’m not sure if this has been discussed here before. I did a search, but didn’t find anything.
I’m so excited! :slight_smile: There are 3 levels, just like in the regular Mathstart books; however, there are only 5 books in each level in Spanish. That’s perfectly fine with me, as 5 is a lot more than I had before! Those of you teaching your kids in Spanish know that it’s difficult to find good resources like this.
Here’s the link:
The books (at least most of them) appear to have the same titles in Spanish and English, such as Just Enough Carrots/Suficientes Zanahorias, Jack the Builder/Jack el Constructor, etc.
I never thought I would be so happy to find Spanish living math books lol
I’m going to check my library for them! Yay!

Thanks for sharing!

No problem! I’m super thrilled about this find!

That’s great to know. Thanks for sharing.