Dear Joha, Kappasweet and Skylark
Thank you for your advices. I slept a night through it and now I can put everything better together.
In the second 2 sessions, I would not say that he performed the instant math and got the question wrong, I would say he did not do the calculation at all because he did not feel like it.
Kappasweet, that makes sense. I didn’t think about that before. But I remember that in the Domans’ book they mentioned it, too. They said the child only showed his/her knowledge if he/she wish to do so or felt like it. I will keep that in mind now.
Joha and Skylark, I will shorten the session to 5 numbers and equations seperately… So maybe we aren’t able to do the program as fast as proposed (because 9 sessions math a day is too much for me to organise).
I was afraid of not having enough time to go through the math program and that she will be to late for Doman’s Math one day. I have read that DomanMom’s Hunter have learned math successful in spite of he started late at almost 30months. But I was still afraid that my daughter could lose her dots perception ability sooner. So I wanted stick to the program and also with its speed. But know I understand that the most important thing is to get her interest, otherwise she seems not to learn at all or just very very little.
I still think I need to teach her the “higher numbers” above 10 again. But with short sessions and using ret dots instead of icons in LM.
Actually we have taken breaks from maths several times already since I often felt that she is not like math much. Now I am unsure about taking break again.
Recently I have read the free online book from right brain kids, there they explain why teaching should be joyful (Doman only said that but did not explan why) - because the right brain is activated/active by being peaceful, calmful, joyful, loved or in another word, by being in alpha wave. If they are angry then their righ brain seems not to get in the information properly.
I will let you know about our progress.
By the way, that would still be great if some of you could tell about your math programm story and how you overcome failures. The Math program seems to be more difficult to teach and to pass then the reading program. One reasing is it’s more difficult to make math interesting all time.