Maths Songs Anyone?

My son is nearly 3 and we haven’t done a lot of maths work. He has seen dot flashcards 1-100 and some equations, but he lost interest in LM and any form of ‘advanced’ maths and just wanted to count to 20 over and over :wub: Now he will watch LM, but I don’t know that he’s really learning anything much - he just likes pressing the space bar to forward it on (I won’t let him do it for LR because he skips through too fast).

I want to use his current love of music to sneak in some maths facts. I listened to a couple of multiplication song clips on amazon and was not impressed by the repetitive, tuneless songs that I heard. I want something that has a tune! Something I can stand to hear played/sung often. Preferably, I want something that has + - x and / facts (or one album for each lol)

Have any of you found any really great musical maths CDs or DVDs?


I am keen to read any of the responses to this! Bella and i have been looking for a good skip counting cd.
I have a few math CDs but i find most of them to be quite basic. Utube have a few good songs to try out. I have lots of music from hmm what are they called…I think it’s The Twisted Sisters. They have a load of educational music. Some math but mostly science. I shall add a link if anyone doesn’t give us a better option.
So here is the link to all of the twin sisters CDs most are only $3.50! I have a number of their educational and science CDs and we all love them.

I would also love some good options for multiplication and division. Ones that sound good, not too dull but are also very clear.
For some other math/science tunes we have been enjoying some of Peter Weatherall’s from youtube.

I don’t have it myself, but Math-U-See has a good skip-counting songbook. Some of my friends really like it.

Thank you Tamsyn. I checked it out and it is possibly the only option that includes all of the skip counting to 9? But I don’t like it :frowning:
Here is a link to a sample scroll to the bottom left to hear it. For the record their CDs contain both a religious and a non religious version on two separate discs. I couldn’t find a downloadable version to buy so perhaps it is a physical copy only? $10 not too bad a price at least. My kids thought the muskrat one was funny but it would drive me nuts! lol

Oh wow. I guess I shouldn’t point out products I haven’t tried personally. Now that I’ve heard a clip, I can honestly say that I don’t like it either. :confused: My friend does, and that’s great. I’ve only used Math-U-See blocks up to this point.

Well, there’s some fun things on YouTube at least!

I have several CDs worth of young children’s music, sort of all counting songs, skip counting, etc., that I gor in the UK from the ELC…I think they are from a set called Learning with Music. I will have to dig out the CDs themselves as they are on her IPod now…

I also bought an album each for addition, subtraction, multiplicationfrom the MathTacular site. They are done in two parts, the first song singing all the equations, then played again in a sort of echo pattern that allows the kid to answer. I actually thought they were a bit dry, but I play them during the day and Alex has started singing along. They also come with a little plain workbook:

Manda- there are quite a few math/skip counting songs on the School House Rock set :biggrin:

And here is a site with a list of music songs for math. I have not tried them all, but do like the songs by Jennifer Fixman:

We also listen to some Musical Math by Peter Weatherall.

I found some! They are (I thought) boring in comparison to most but the wording is very clear and the tunes not too annoying to hear often :p.

When I listened to the clip on Amazon, I would have dismissed them… if not for the massive grin as my son danced to the beat lol

Sometimes, simple is good :slight_smile:

I just clicked on your link, Kerileanne, and realised they are the same as you found :wub: I’ll check out the ELC, too. Thanks :slight_smile:

Tamsyn, just like your sister someone else on the forum will like it! So thanks for sharing the link. Plus the ones we can share a sample of with our children are the best, if they start singing along or dancing I would buy it anyway and just put up with it!!! :yes:
Keri, I have School House Rock! I should play it hey? :ohmy: sometimes i don’t know what wonderful resourses I own until someone else tells me! I accidentally opened a file on my hard drive yesterday and found a lovely meditation I can use at work, I was looking to buy one just the day before! :rolleyes:
So are the mathtacular songs as wonderful as their DVDs? Boy Jaykob loves their DVDs. Makes no sence to me why!
That link to music math songs is quite extensive! Be sure you all check it out!
I am always keen to try out new educational music, I am often surprised by what my kids learn from it. Jaykob told me yesterday in the car " mum insects always have six legs but not all of them have wings. The ones that do have 4 wings mostly, but not all insects have wings" I was thinking hard for an example to back him up when he pipes up with " yep an ant has six legs and no wings" before I knew it we were discussing mammals!
Thanks once again!

keri you started this , my dh hates you for that .Ok now to make learning easy and organized , with the tons of audio material at our hands , do you recommend gettting kiddos an ipod , anything special Alex using ?? i is nice to have something you can carry around the house take with you to bed or in the car and juste click and play ?? any advice ??

YES I am now also thinking, “Oooh, maybe I need an Ipod for the kids…” :yes:
I don’t think my DH is going to be overly excited either :nowink:

Ah, Bella and IZP11-
Apologies to the hubbies, but I cannot imagine managing all of the music we use any other way!
Yes, my phone has it, as does the IPad…and we use that sometimes as well.
BUT: the IPod is devoted to her music, learning songs, audiobooks, even a couple of DVDs loaded for emergencies.
We take it wherever we go, and then I always have a huge selection to choose from in the car, wherever we are in the house. ( we have docking stations in her bedroom as well)
Here is maybe a way to justify the cost :biggrin:
*First off, any and all learning music is a complete waste of money unless it GETS USED! If it is in another room, not in the car, misplaced ,scratched, etc? Money down the drain…
*Also, CDs do not last long in our house as busy hands are always around…if you put them up high? They tend not to get played as much…how many more learning songs could you play if it was at hand
*once the CDs are safely backed up and loaded to ITunes, I allow her to ‘have’ the CD for her collection…she has a small inexpensive CD player that she can use on her own…talk about fine motor skills and she has to read the back covers to find the song she wants and match it to the correct track- a math lesson as well as she has to figure out how many times to skip forward and backward.
*i am convinced that always having music on hand to moderate the mood or attract her interest, calm her down to concentrate, or burn off a bit of energy makes our learning more efficient.
*having everything, literally in the palm of my hand, means that I am much more aware of all of my choices, and can quickly locate something appropriate to buoy the lesson, facilitate understanding, or just make sure we are having fun! Also, I think everything goes more smoothly if I don’t have to fiddle with the remote, players, or locating material!
*** a HUGE one for me: SAFETY! I can create current playlists for on the go, which means ZERO mucking about while on the go, especially in the car!

One note of caution: there are special protective sets of headphones available, but after doing a fair amount of research, we decided against this option.
At night, she has a large, plush, cuddly penguin that has a pair of speakers in the form of ‘headphones’ on the penguins ears. It has parental volume controls, she uses it as a cuddle buddy/pillow, and the actual IPod is tucked into a flap in its backside :yes:
The IPod also has the great lock function so that no matter how many times she picks it up and pushes buttons, she cannot change it until I take off the lock! (Our case keeps it covered from view)

We have an IPod Nano that we bought when she was less than a year old. I am listing it here, but they are getting ready to release the next generation for about $75 cheaper.

We did consider going with an IPod touch for versatility, but opted not to due to her age and that I don’t want her to consider it in the same class as the IPhone or IPad!

So, maybe these ideas will help you in convincing SIgnificant Others that it is absolutely essential, will actually save money in the long term, will facilitate additional learning and creativity, and save a fortune in college tuition when the child is offered full scholarships/stipends to top universities??? :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Or at least so impress them with your rationalization that they relent in pure defense!

We have our music on my iPhone and a rechargeable and portable docking station. The phone streams the music through the car stereo ( oh so awesome!) and that is where we do most of our listening. About 2 hours most days. we own an iPod touch ( sneaky me bought my hubby one for Christmas last year) I loaded educational apps onto it but only daddy’s music so far ( not quite sneaky enough :wink: )
I have never used the iPad for music it is always too busy being used for everything else.
I agree with Keri if I manage to get the music onto the iPhone we WILL listen to it. If I don’t it collects dust as it is too much trouble. Plus the CDs get wrecked even with big kids!
My music is sorted into playlists. kids Science, Kids Fun, Kids Math and Story of the world. I used to have just educational kids and Story of the world but I needed a math focus and fun stuff for work.
If you are going to get one I think it’s important to considr e price of the dock on top. Pointless having an iPod if you can’t play it without headphones too.

HeidiSongs CDs and DVDs are excellent. They add in actions and catchy toons.
I believe the math cd/DVD is Musical Math.

We do a lot of “car schooling” :yes: , spending quite a few hours in the car during the week. For example when I need to do post office, banking, library or main grocery shopping, we have about 4.5 - 5 hours drive that day just to get to the city and back ( 3-3.5 hours one way and 1.5- 2 hours back), not taking into consideration small driving distances between stores, bank, library, etc . So we always plan our audios ahead of time for fun and learning.

Originally we did not have resources for additional gadgets, even though we were considering an Ipod at one point. And later we realised that we did not really needed additional equipment to make it work. My GPS has high quality build in MP3 player, which transmits wirelessly or via wire to my car’s audio system. I usually pre-load GPS MP3 with the playlists we are using at the moment and we play it that way. It also has an additional card expansion slot, so I can put even more playlists.

We usually have audios sorted this way:

Bible ( songs and chapters)
Music ( classical, solfeggio and music appreciation)
Music for going to sleep
Music for fun

It works wonderfully.

  • No additional equipment needed, since we use GPS anyways, and it works just great with the car audio system
  • It is safe – I do not need to flip over numerous CDs looking for the one to put in while driving, plus it softly lowers down the volume of MP3, when driving directions or warnings are given