Math - Which Stage? What Results?

Another post regarding the success with math prompted me to start this thread. It would be great if everyone could share their experience, so that we know what is happening with everybody else as far as math is concerned. We can keep updating this thread with the results as and when we find any.

I would like you to let us know:

  1. Which stage are you in the math schedule?
  2. How long have you been doing this?
  3. What results have you seen so far? (That is, whether your baby is able to subitize, do equations, can count etc.)
  4. Which tool are you using for teaching math (Flashcards/LM/or any other)?

Let me start first:

  1. Did upto 20 with flashcards. Then started all over with LM curriculum. So far, up to quantity 14.
  2. Two weeks since I started LM.
  3. Haven’t really done any problem solving yet. But my baby seems to enjoy the math lesson more. He looks at it without distractions and smiles at the end, that’s his reaction.
  4. Little Math curriculum.

Awaiting to hear the story from others… :slight_smile:


  1. We are introducing number 81 and 82 today. My daughter wasn’t into equations for a while (i was doint it wrong :frowning: ), So we stopped, bought the book, read it and tried again. We started equations again this week and my daughter is doing great. We are going to start with subtraction this coming week. It also helps the new LM goes much faster.
  2. We started months ago (I didn’t right down the date we started :wub: ) We have been very consistent. We do flash cards during week days.
  3. We have not done any problem solving yet. I think we are going to wait until we are done with all the numbers up to 100 :unsure:
  4. We do the numbers with the flash cards from Doman’s math set and equations with LM. We do 9 equations a day, broke down in 3 sessions. She is doing very well this way.

Thanks Joha for the reply…Good to note that you have been consistent with the program. Consistency definitely pays off!

Well, I have to confess this, I couldn’t resist the temptation to do problem solving and did one today…(I just wanted to make sure it works before we move on…silly me! :blush: ) We are into day 15 of the curriculum, quantity 14. I am glad to say my LO got it 100% right!! :yes:

Thanks to KL & Team for devising such a great product and a great curriculum!


We are done with the equations, I did review quantities from 1 to 100 and now we’re about to start problem-solving.
I loved using LM, it made teaching math so much easier, now we have to go back to using cards :frowning:

Congratulation Questers! That is awesome! Even though we love our children not matter what the answer is, let’s be honest at the bottom of our hearts that is what all of us desire.

We have done any math problem solving, but lat Thursday my husband was reading “The very hungry caterpillar” to our dd (her favorite book) and he asked her where was blue, and she put her hand on top of it, where is yellos and she got it right again and then he got scared and stopped lol Yesterday, I played the color game with her with some color blocks we have and she got it right 5 times out of 6. The most important part was that both of us had a lot of fun. She was LOL and that lighten up my day!

Let’s keep up our wondeful teaching, I’m sure we are going to have many more of thes wonderful experiences! :yes:


Thats great she knows the colors! Keep reviewing them with her in daily conversations and while playing with her. Around the same age, my son knew the basic colors too…In fact, if i pointed out at different objects he had not seen earlier and asked him to pick a particular color, he would do it correctly. But I was too happy with that and stopped recalling colors in daily conversations with him. After about a month, when i asked him, he seemed to have forgotten them. Now with LR, when the color section comes, he does not seem interested. I am not sure if he is doing that because he knows the colors or if he is simply not interested in learning colors anymore :huh: . In any case, blue seems to be his favorite right now. Wherever there is blue, he says buooo now…! lol


Many congratulations, Questers! Keep us updated!

"Now with LR, when the color section comes, he does not seem interested. I am not sure if he is doing that because he knows the colors or if he is simply not interested in learning colors anymore "

That is so interesting, Quester, I had the same reaction, and was wondering why… One of my theories was that I’ve been teaching colors in Russian already, and we went through few colors presentations (PPP) regularly. So when I showed the colors to her in English, may be she is wondering why do we need to learn them again… :biggrin: Not so sure! So we skipped the colors section a few times ( it was the only thing she was not interested in, so it made me really curious, since she is REALLY INTO LR)

That is so neat to hear about your acoomplishments, Quester, Joha, gives me motivation to keep on going, even though she is a bit young to show the results just yet :slight_smile:

Joha, what kind of color games do you do? Will be interesting to know!

We have these color blocks (cubes), so I put three blocks right in front of her and ask her “where is the blue box Valerie?” and she grabs the box. When she does it right, that is most of the time, I hug her, tell her what a good job and we laugh, it is so much fun! :biggrin: When she gets it wrong I just show her which one is the right one and tell her what is the color of the one she picked. I have tried with letters, but she gets so excited about grabbing a letter and putting in her mouth that she doesn’t really pay attention to my question :wub: Or I’m not sure if they are too small for her. Anyways the blocks work for us for now.

That’s great we will try that too, sounds like fun!