Math supplement for advanced 3-year-old (almost 4)?

Hi hypatia,

I am not familiar with that website and I couldn’t find a way to preview sample pages from the books included. But, that’s A LOT of workbooks and activity books (17 in all!) just for the Kindergarten level! Are they supposed to be completed in 1 year of kindergarten? I don’t think I would be able to get even Ella (who loves workbooks!) to finish 17 math workbooks just for the kindergarten year! I don’t know how similar or different they are from the books I used with Ella, but they are likely also based on the Singapore method for teaching math.

Here are the links for the ones I used with Ella:

HTH! :slight_smile:

Thanks Aangeles
Unfortunately Singapore Math delivers in the US and Canada only.
What bothers me with the SGBox website is that I don’t see what I’m buying, plus the workbooks do not seem to be the ‘original’ Singapore Math.
I have found a distributor in the UK: which delivers to Europe.
There’s a glitch with the checkout that I am trying to overcome soon, I’ll keep you posted!

Well, if you still can’t find anybody that ships to Europe, let me know. I can order the books and post them to France for you. Hugs and kisses to O.!

I was also struggling to find Singapore math with delivering to Europe (we live in Netherlands) and last week I ordered from They delivered fast, good packed. Shipping cost for 2 books (I ordered textbook A and B) - 9.45 pounds, quite reasonable. So I am very happy and we already started :smiley:

Thanks Aangeles and Jane
I’m waiting for Maths no problems to fix the issue on the website (you can’t order at the moment)
I was thinking of buying Worbooks and activity books A and B, and possibly another book such as Ready for Maths (adding, Graphing, big numbers …) do you know these books?

I think I found what I am after! delivers worldwide and offers lots of educational material. Thery have the kindergarten Singapore Maths and many other goodies (puzzles, cds, workbook…)
I’ve spend 30 mn on it and still discovering new things :slight_smile:

Dear aangeles
May u please provide the websites for those program :
Story of the World
Beginning Geography
Literature and reading - Five in a Row
Grammar - First Language Lessons
Writing - Writing with Ease
Vocabulary - Wordly Wise 3000

Thank you

Talk about an awesome supplement, and what a gift!

CALCULUS for and by young people! Really! Recommended for ages 7 and up, and that is for kids not doing EL. I just ordered this set as it is so highly recommended. No real algebra or calculus knowledge needed, but teaches kids to understand the ideas of calculus intuitively. Really cool. Hubby took a couple of vidEo clips because he is constantly asked (whined at!) " Why do we need this? When will we ever use it!"

Take a look, and I will post a more thorough review of requirements when it arrives. But I honestly think it could show even littles how to understand the basic ideas…
Calculus For and By Young People:

Kerrileanne Well you have my interest, waiting to here your review :biggrin:
Ruamulla story of the world is available at
There is an audio track too…not sure where to get it.
5 in a row would be available here too. Free shipping world wide. The others I don’t know about.


I first heard about this program from annisis (back on page 4), but would love to hear your review on it as well! The exciting thing about this is Don Cohen’s math workshop will actually be accessible from where we will be living when we move back to the States, so we will definitely be looking into getting Ella into his program to work with him! Which set did you order and what does it contain?


Hi Ru’a!

Story of the World -
but I found it cheaper on amazon:

Beginning Geography -
I am not entirely convinced that doing these workbooks is better than just simply reading lots and lots of books on geography (which we also do). But Ella loves doing them and asks for them a lot, so I just use the exercises in the workbooks as jumping-off points for our reading and discussions.

Five in a Row - You can get the FIAR books on amazon
and the required reading list in your local library or as used books on amazon, but I found them cheaper as a whole package on There are no libraries to speak of in the country where we are currently living.

First Language Lessons -

Writing with Ease -
To purchase,
We are trying out this program for the first couple of levels, and, depending on how Ella takes to it, we may or may not switch to Winning with Writing or Write Source (the two other backup writing curricula/programs I have decided on after extensive research.)

Wordly Wise 3000 - You can determine your child’s level by checking out the sample word lists on their website
but I bought my student book and answer book at amazon

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Thanks aangeles.
karma to you

I like very much the Geography books, just ordered. Thanks, aangeles

While ordering I saw 2 other interesting workbooks, i.e. Cut and Paste: Science -

Read and Understand Science -

Oh yes! I have those too, to supplement my science curriculum. They’re good, and Ella loved them and finished working on them soon after she turned 3. :slight_smile:

Sounds great!
Aangeles, any other interesting workbooks you can recommend?

Hi, My name is Thierry, from France but I live in Japan.

My son Ken successfully learned to read English and to some extend Chinese kanjis. He enjoys Little Musician time to time but he never hooked up to Little Math. Maybe it was too late already for him. He was 2 years and half when we started Brillkids Little Reader and Little Mah.

So coming to my point, I have been amazed always about kids from Hong Kong and Singapore. I heard one time about a kid finishing university at the age when kids normally Junior High school. I don’t want to give too much pressure on my son, but how you guys manage to get your kids inspire to learn mathematics.

Enlight me, please.


all three of my kids love math. I think it has to do with the fact that I am very careful to always provide small steps up in learning. I make sure they are successful in every lesson but growing on the knowledge gradually and spending time reinforcing it all in many different ways. I try had to make it a game wherever I can. Even with my oldest age 8. They girls quite enjoy doing a page of math in worksheet style and all love using the ipad for IXL or apps. my boy enjoys anything that has mummy playing on the floor with him, especially if it uses cars or trains so alot of his math is using cars or trains. If only I could buy a 90 degree train track connector!! lol
Success is important but some challenge gets them thinking. I always help them think if they get stuck. i never give them the answer but continue to ask questions until they figure it out for themselves. I hint and give clues. and say things like I wonder…once they are thinking they are engrosed and love it!

Just an update on how things are going in the math department. I have ordered Beast Academy and HoE, and we are impatiently waiting for them to arrive. We are living in SE Asia at the moment, and the materials are currently all in a huge box of curricula and books that is on its way here by cargo ship. It takes about 1-2 months for the box to get here from the US. With the amount of educational materials and books I order (I like to plan and buy things in advance), it would have been too cost-prohibitive to have them shipped faster.

In the meantime, she was still chomping at the bit for some extra challenge so I busted out my old Algebra textbook and started giving her mini-lessons from there - adapting down the language to her level of understanding and keeping the lessons very very short (5-10 minutes tops). Sometimes, she watches algebra videos and plays with algebra apps on the Ipad. I was motivated and happy that she would actually ask for Algebra as a BREAK from her Soroban drills or Singapore math workbook. She seemed to be absorbing the concepts really fast and understanding them, so I was not too worried about overwhelming her. Aaaaaaand, today, she solved her first algebra worksheet (10 equations) independently and perfectly! Some examples of the equations she solved are:

a = 3x + 9

2/x + a/c = b/x

a/x + d + (-b)/x = 0

We are still progressing nicely with Singapore math and MEP, and will probably stick with both programs to completion. Even though she is capable of doing basic algebra now, I am not planning on jumping into it full time anytime soon, as I want to make absolutely sure she has all the basics of arithmetic and pre-algebra well-covered. For now, we are treating it more as a fun diversion! :smiley:

Solving algebra equations at 4 years is outstanding. I haven’t heard of it even in the books about gifted/prodigies. Great job Aangeles and Ella!

Aangeles, I have few questions to you:

  1. How much does it cost to ship goods from US to overseas by cargo? and can you share the shipping company’s info.? I want to place an order for me as well, so want to know a reliable company.
  2. You mentioned algebra videos in your post… what are those?

Thank you for sharing a wealth of information.

Oh Wow Aangles! This is a huge accomplishment and you must be so proud of her! I think we were taught such things at middle school :blink:

Thanks for posting your updates. This thread is so inspiring as it allows me to plan ahead for our math curriculum. Please keep us updated. Your insights are very valuable :slight_smile: