She will be turning 4 in a few days and is working at around the 2nd grade level in Math, maybe 3rd grade in some areas. We have recently finished Singapore Math Primary 2a, and she flew through almost half of the workbook in one night, working by herself well past her bedtime with a flashlight in her bed (when I thought she was sleeping safe and sound :ohmy: ) We usually do 8-10 pages per day - apparently she found our pace too slow for her liking. The amazing thing was she got 98-99% of it right! Now, she is impatiently waiting for Primary 2b to arrive. We also do 30-40 mins of Soroban each day, and she has been making steady progress. She can now mentally add and subtract 2- and 3-digit numbers in her head - not lightning-speed fast, but she can do it.
So, in total, we spend about 1.5 hours every day on Math, broken up into two sessions, which I think is a little too much book work for her age on a single subject, but she loves it. The problem is, she is now asking for more! So I am looking for good math supplements for an almost 4-year old who can multiply and divide, do fractions, count/combine bills and coins and make change, tell time, etc. Oh, by the way, she has just finished reading Life of Fred Apples and enjoyed it immensely! After I read it with her the first time, I have since found her re-reading it to herself and giggling hysterically over it. I can’t tell you how much it warms my geeky heart to see her enjoying a Math textbook so much! lol
In the past couple of years, we have also finished Rightstart Math A & B, Jones Geniuses Matrix Math, and read through all of the Mathstart books. We have been re-reading levels 2 and 3 of Mathstart and she seems to be getting more out of them and making more and more connections between math and real life each time.
So, for math supplements, I am looking at
Beast Academy 3A -It doesn’t seem like they start lower than that and I am not sure whether it will be too advanced for her.
Hands-on Equations - It seems ridiculous to be thinking of starting algebra with a 4-year-old, but this program has a lot of manipulatives and Doman did start on algebra even younger!
Of course, we will be continuing with Singapore Math, Soroban, and LoF. So, does anybody have any experience with any of the above programs? Can they be adapted to her age level? Will it be too overwhelming for her? Any other better recommendations? She is really taking off in Math, but I don’t want to burn her out but don’t want to hold her back/bore her either.
The rest of her day is spent building Legos (making her own structures and drawing instruction books for her creations), doing puzzles, reading (mostly chapter books now and non-fiction picture books in English and Chinese), playing piano and violin, swimming, and playing with her cousins outdoors.