Math spots together with the Abacus training?

Hi there, wondered if anyone else was experiencing the trouble I am having… :confused: I started with the math spots along with the numbers and we have done really well - no troubles. Then I introduced the Abacus train - great download!!! - and 1 - 4 was fine but when we got to 5 my son said, “Mom the lady says it’s five but there’s only one spot”. I explained it was an abacus and the counting was different. We then did the next 5 numbers, but each time he corrected the number. Any suggestions? Should I just continue and hope he works it out - or should I stop and show him these at a later stage?


How old is your son? Also, how long have you been doing the math dots and how far have you gotten with the math program (i.e. equations, sequences, equalities and inequalities, simple algebra, etc.)?

It’s important to start with the concrete (real numbers [dot cards]) and then progress to the abstract (numerals [1,2,3 or IV, V, VI], abacus, etc.).

If he’s having trouble with the abstract, I would try doing more of the dots first, so that he becomes more familiar and well-grounded in ACTUAL NUMBERS, before moving onto the abstract abacus. Seeing the numbers used in equations, comparing them with greater than and less than, doing equalities and inequalities, and the like will help him become more firmly-grounded with real numbers. I can understand the confusion if you are trying to teach both at the same time, since it is somewhat contradictory to one minute say that “six” is six red dots while the next minute saying that “six” is two red dots, one dot on the top and one dot on the bottom.

It would also be very helpful in teaching the abacus if you have already taught addition and subtraction. You can then explain that the bead on the top represents five, and five plus one equals six so this abacus placement stands for six. Without this understanding of arithmetic the abacus won’t make any sense.

This topic was discussed here as well:

Hi DomanMom,

My son is three and seven months. We have done the math dots 1 - 20 along with the numerals. I haven’t done any of the equation, sequences etc that you mentioned. Just last week we started with addition. He’s not mad about it though and I stopped showing the dots as he told his dad he now ‘hates’ them… I haven’t shown the abacus ones again, but thought that if he has missed the window period for the dots, I will keep it for latter on as something interesting to learn. My progress is slow with the math and I’m feeling a bit bad, but I honestly am not getting time to make up the sets needed. I do understand what you said about him getting a well-grounded start in numbers. Should I be moving faster with all those other things you mentioned? Any tips on how to get organised with what to show him?

I really appreciate you replying to my question. Thank you too for refering me to the other thread I enjoyed reading it.
