math program+reading program?

Uhm I think i need some help :unsure:
I started a while ago the reading program and would like to start the math program too, before it’s too late (DS is 28 months old!).
I asked DH to do the math so i can go on with the reading, but he doesn’t agree… :dry:
I don’t think I can do 15 reading session + 10 or more math session every day (this is what the Doman book says).
So my question is: it is possible to follow a slowly program in both subjects? I mean 4 reading and 3 math per day?
Or should I focus on the math program for a few months and then add the reading one again?

The rules are flexible. You could do less words and just substitute those sessions for math, so you arnt doing any more sessions. Mane 7 words and three math. You may even be able to show more per session. Try adding one more word each time but still stop before your kid wants too. After the program has been going for a while kids can usually handle more at one sitting. Or just add in one extra session of math…some is always better than none :slight_smile:
Realistically I couldn’t manage 30 sessions a day reliably, so if you are at your limit now don’t try to cram more in just adjust. It is supposed to be enjoyable not stressful. Also only you can determine which is most important to you to teach.

Try 3-5 of each. We kept them by the toilet and did them each time we set him on the toilet at that age. Before and after meals and naps. However many that works out to will be plenty. Flip through 5 word and 5 math cards each time, another benefit is they are a captive audience.

I also found Doman to be impossible to follow, it was just too much for me. I have tried a combination of ideas to get it all in.

First, I tried a Day of the Week thing, such as:
Monday: Reading
Tuesday: Math
Wednesday: Music and Art
Thursday: Math
Friday: Reading
Saturday: Math
Sunday: Second Language
I tried the above idea for about 3 months, but I found DD wasn’t learning enough of anything.

So, I tried a focused approach:
Math for 1 week,
Reading for 1 week,
Other stuff (music, art, second language) for 1 week.
I admit she loved this much better. This was easier for me to organize. And I would say that she learned to read this way, she learned more of Spanish this way, but the Math fell way behind.

Again, after a few months it just became a jumble of stuff and I couldn’t keep up. Also, about this time my daughter had ‘cracked’ the reading code and was reading simple books on her own. She wanted all weeks to be reading, and never wanted the math.

For my Son, I would say I am even less organized, but I am able to mix it up more. For me every lessons contains a combination of cards, so if I am flashing 5 cards, 2 might be words, 1 might be dots, 1 might be an EK, and 1 might be an equation. So, I have a mix of everything in every lessons. Doman does say to keep things interesting, and to keep them guessing. This way my son is very entertained, he has no idea what might be coming next. Is this working? I’m not sure, early learning is a long term process and sometimes I can’t tell what my children know. I have been doing this style with my son since almost birth (with some breaks), He is now 16 months, and I know he can read 2 words (Hi and Shoe). I have no proof he can read anything else. I have no proof he knows any Math. He can sign and sing a little bit and can clap - but I’m not sure he learned this through the lessons. How many lessons a day…Max of about 10 some days and other days only 1 (I have never made 30 lessons, or even 12 lessons)

I remind myself daily that Doman tells me that Learning is one game you win no matter how poorly you play it. Thankfully I think this is true, and works with my chaotic life.

how do you fit 30 sesion in a day? I have 3 kids al difrent levels (5 months , 22 months and 3 years old) and I can´t get the sesions in order, I forget… does any one have any sugestions?can I do math and reading all in one sesion? for example I flash 5 math then 5 words and my be 5 EK? that would reduce a lot the number of sesions…any toughts? I might try the mixing idea :wink:
I have little reader and little math…but I see no improvment using them… any thing I flash gets to them a lot sunner… has any one had this problem?
since mi last son was born… i just can´t get my day worked out to do everything I would like doing with my children, I´m to get reall keeping them home, and I would really love to teach tem as much as I can before I have to put the in school (at 6), becuase then they will spend the day in school, and I will not have the chances I have now…

I would like to try a mixed session, too (math and reading)
but don’t know if it is possible to do it.
Anyone out there tryed this before?

I do mixed sessions all the time. I flash 5 cards and I randomly choose from reading cards, math cards, and EK cards (although I have fewer of these). It seems to be working for the reading, but I’m not sure about the math.

I also do LM and LR (and now LMs) back to back. That is, I do one set of LR, the switch to one set of LM, and then one set of LMs. If my Son is still interested I will do another set of something I randomly choose.

This way makes it much more difficult to figure out retiring cards, but I just kinda guess if a card has been shown 5 times (sometime it might only get 4 and others maybe 7, but I am at least trying).

I just struggle to keep organized, so basically I have given up. It is chaotic, but at least my children are getting opportunities. I had tried to stay organized, or not flash until I was organized, and I found I wasn’t flashing cards at all, I was spending all my time organizing and none teaching. It works for me, but I do commend those families with organization.

Hi all,

I recently bought the reading kit and math kit by Glenn Doman. The sales representative recommended I do 2 sessions a day due to my busy working schedule, once in the morning & once in the evening. 5 dot cards followed by 5 word cards (2 different sets, ie Set A comprises of dot cards 1-5 & 5 words cards from a category. Set B comprises of dot cards 6-10 & 5 word cards from another category)

I’m not sure how useful this might be as my boy is rather active and sometimes he rejects the cards no matter how I cajoled or ‘bribe’ him. So sometimes I substitute with Little Reader instead.

Is there anyone out there who has tried “taming” a child with flash cards? :biggrin: